Definder - what does the word mean?

What is porca?

It's an insult that links God (Dio) ti Virgin Mary (Madonna)
The Word is the Union between Madonna and Dio (Ma+Dio)
It's used when Italians are very angry, Its origin is located in Valtellina, North Italy

Porca madio se faceva schifo questa pasta!
Porca madio that pasta was disgusting!

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porca - meme gif

porca meme gif

porca - video


Porca - what is it?

It's something very offensive for Christians, it's lime swearing vs the mother of Jesus. In Italy people uses to say that when they are very very angry

Porca Madonna ma che cazzo fai?!

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What does "porca" mean?

Italian for miserable pig. I just like how it sounds, especially when you put crazy stress on the POR and SER syllables. (PORca miSERia).

Its fun to use while driving, because most people wont know what youre saying. Beware of mafia.

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Porca - what does it mean?

Big insult to divinity, in paticular to Maria, the mother of Jesus.

Porca Madonna l'รจ freddo!
How the fuck much is cold!

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Porca - meaning

Italian equivalent of 'Misery, you bitch' can find it in the old black and white Italian movies of the 1950s. Porca means female pig, dirty female, bitch, and miseria is misery in the socio-economic sense - poverty, adversity etc.
Can also be used as a in: I work all day and earn una porca miseria for my efforts.

He's walking under a snow storm, soaked, freezing saying out loud: Porca miseria, I can't even get myself a hot drink...

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Porca - definition

Way to insult Virgin Mary. Italians use it when they are very angry or feel hard pain.
Similar expressions connected to the Virgin Mary are "Madonna Bocchinara", "Madonna Puttana".
Italian creativity is often shown in the creation of similar expressions.

Mi ha rubato le scarpe di gomma, porca madonna!

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Porca - slang

This is the Portuguese word for "female pig."

(The actual word for "pig" is "porco" as "porca" is the "female version" of the word which means "female pig." The Spanish term for the same animal is "cerdo.")

Used for the literal meaning of "female pig" but also used to describe a woman that is lacking in hygiene, respect, manners, or any other disparaging personal characteristic.

1. Olha para o cu dessa menina! Que porca!

2. Ela ainda tinha demasiado cabelo na rata! Ai que porca!

3. A tua mรฃe e uma porca.

4. Na cama, ela e uma porca. Gosta levar no cu e tudo!

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This is the Portuguese word for "female pig."

(The actual word for "pig" is "porco" as "porca" is the "female version" of the word which means "female pig." The Spanish term for the same animal is "cerdo.")

Used for the literal meaning of "female pig" but also used to describe a woman that is lacking in hygiene, respect, manners, or any other disparaging personal characteristic.

1. Olha para o cu dessa menina! Que porca!

2. Ela ainda tinha demasiado cabelo na rata! Ai que porca!

3. A tua mรฃe e uma porca.

4. Na cama, ela e uma porca. Gosta levar no cu e tudo!

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Spanish....pig..reference to a police officer

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Italian for bitch

Porca! felch me.

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