Definder - what does the word mean?

What is osso?

The best teacher with the best humor and a menacing beard.

Wow, I just saw N-Unit Osso. He's so funny
N-Unit Osso dismissed the class, he's great

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Osso - what is it?

Osso pronounced: o-so

Adjective- awesome, the most top, pro-ness, exceptional, impressive or daunting, high quality, excellent.

see also

adverb- ossoly

noun- ossoness

Christian: "that girl with the koozie looks pretty cool"

Andrew: "no dude, she looks way osso"

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What does "osso" mean?

Slang used by Dutch foreigners to refer to home, the place they live in.

Sergio: Ik ga nie smokuh. Ik kan nie skaffa naar osso gaan man!

Achmed: Fuck it ouwe, laten we gewoon sucken!


Sergio: I can't fucking go home being high!

Achmed: Fuck it dude, lets smoke anyways!

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Osso - what does it mean?

a short form of also, but if youre lazy just use this

i osso donno what he say, he very idiotic one

👍27 👎13

Osso - meaning

a weiner, a weiner, a weiner, a weiner, also known as penis, sometimes, dick. weiner, a weiner, a kristin, a weiner and a weiner.!

my osso got stuck in the tractor wheels.

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Osso - definition

A person or thing that looks completely crazy or ridiculous.

Wow, look at that homeless guy! Man, he's an osso

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