Definder - what does the word mean?

What is noY?

An abbreviation for the amazing band Nightmare Of You.

The NOY show last night was soo amazing.

👍153 👎135

noY - meme gif

noY meme gif

noY - video


NoY - what is it?

nice/cool/straight up pimp

i saw this noy car rollin in da hood earlier. i was like check this noy shit out!

👍107 👎79

What does "noY" mean?

annoyed = an noyed = x1, a singular noy
Ie more than a singular noy (noyed past tense)
Noyeds isn't a word

I am noyed about stuff and not knowing things that theoretically have nothing to do with me but technically does

👍25 👎11

NoY - what does it mean?

The royal no

Man: Is it the Queen's wishes to pardon this man from the guillotine?
Queen: Noi!

👍73 👎41

NoY - meaning

To open a beer can and only take one sip. Usually done by kids at high school parties who just want to act like they drank a beer to be cool. Should be considered as a waste and most likely tried for treason.

He totally noyed that beer.

Ben doesn't want to drink alcohol, so as to attempt to impress his friends, he will noy a beer.

👍179 👎115

NoY - definition

To be intimate in a sexual way.

Baby, I want to noy tonight

I would love to noy her!

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NoY - slang

Night of Innocence, alternative Halloween/Homecoming party held at Sid Rich during NoD: pajamas and slippers, milk and cookies, and Disney movies.

Fuck Wiess College, fuck NoD, I'm going over to Sid Rich for NoI and watch Bambi!

👍61 👎25


a hot lady. very very hot lady.

have you seen that noy? damn!

👍133 👎51


At Noi is Cat Noir if yoir doing this 2019 Tiktok Trend.


At Noi = Hat Noi


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the name every raccoon should be named as

noi noi AHHHH

👍31 👎13