Definder - what does the word mean?

What is lonnies?

A handsome wonderful man, who may be hard to love at times because he can sure be stubborn but it's all worth it. He will make you laugh when ur down & if ur lucky enough to pin one down he will make ur world a happier & more fun place to be. He's a little moody sometimes & tends to take things the wrong way, u just gotta know how to handle him. As a lover he is the best, and will never leave u disappointed he's just Utterly fantastic ooh la la.

Girls....'what are u doing tonight, you coming out to the bar?

Lonnies girl....'ooh he'll no are u kidding, I'm staying in with my lonnie,why would I want to be anywhere else'!

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lonnies - meme gif

lonnies meme gif

lonnies - video


Lonnies - what is it?

The most amazing, gorgeous human being on the face of the Earth. Has beautiful blue eyes. Long brown hair and presumably short. She loves to read and just be around her friends. Is extremely funny but yet a little perverted. Has those weird moments and laughs a lot. Sometimes she is really calm. Usually, only when she isn't in a very good mood. Or you know, she's day-dreaming. She loves too be with her boyfriend and he brings out the good in her. She doesn't care what people think of her and jumps around a lot and acts crazy. Lonnie has a weird crazed fashion. Her addiction is music and taking pictures of everything. Lonnie is just an all out amazing person.


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What does "lonnies" mean?

amazing, gorgeous, handsome, pretty, 10/10 i love them so much

i love lonnie so much<33

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Lonnies - what does it mean?

The sexiest most difficult man ever encountered in every way. But the best and last sex ever had. Terrible liar except to cops and his soulmate. The name of the man that I will be with for the rest of my life and has made all other men obsolete. Perfect body and perfect hair perfect eyes perfect face. The name of the man that is my home.

Where are u going?

I’m going home.

Oh you mean to where ever Lonnie is?

Yes, home…

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Lonnies - meaning

the name for someone with the body of a roman god

Her: OMG! LOOOOK at him, He is the most AMAZINGLY handsome mad I have ever seen!

Me: I know, right! He is SO Lonny!

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Lonnies - definition

the name for someone with the body of a roman god

lonnie is hot

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Lonnies - slang

The man's man. Physically spectacular specimen. IQ is considered too high to be determined. A conqueror.

I'm sorry the Lonny you are searching for is busy with yo mama at the moment. Please call back when he tells you to.

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To be left hung out to dry, cock blocked, lied to, or otherwise let-down by someone who you were totally counting on.

I had to walk home from the bar because the douchebag who was supposed to give me a ride completely Lonnied me!!!

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A Man of Great Size and Stature. Known to be Honest and Loyal. He's the Strongest guy in any given room, the first one you call when you're moving. Intelligent and engaging. Fathers beg him to marry their daughters.

How do you like your new Son in Law?
I wish he were more of a Lonnie.

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The name for someone with the body of a roman god. A Man of Great Size and Stature. He's the strongest guy in any given room. Known to say Love as a strong feeling in their heart but tries to show it in the best way they can. Unbelievably unbelievable in the words they speak

Sexy & Built .. Lonnie is the one to be with.

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