Definder - what does the word mean?

What is krys?

Thinks you are all idiots

Oh wow, Krys thinks you’re all idiots

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krys - meme gif

krys meme gif

krys - video


Krys - what is it?

the kilwilke republican youth is a group of young republicans from a small town in the heart of lurgan called kilwilke

Up the KRY

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What does "krys" mean?

Has a lot of socially awkward friends and whenever they make joke he wants death to come early also gets friend zoned alot

See Krys he’s a loner

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Krys - what does it mean?

An emote used to show that someone is sad or pretends to be sad.

Girl: I'm breaking up with you. >=(
Boy: /kry

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Krys - meaning

Kind, caring, and sweet person. He will make you laugh and is the coolest guy you will ever meet! He’ll put a smile on your face when you’re feeling down.

Have you met krys? he’s like the coolest guy ever!

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Krys - definition

The cutest, most radtastical, hockey playing, amazing, funny, sweet, adorable, crazy, sexy emo boy ever.

"Oh my gawd, did you see Krys over there? He is soo hot, and totally radtastical."

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Krys - slang

Really cute has a big dick and amazing human being better than Navii

Look at that Kry

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Acronym of kys, used in EUNE server in LoL, so you can't be banned.

Yasuo main: Krys
Someone: No u
Yasuo main: No double you

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someone with really, really unattractive friends who are girls, usually black or some kind of low spanish.

even he admits they are FUGLY. and ugly people have ugly friends. No one else will be friends with these losers, no one wants to be friends with ugly, nasty, asscrack faced girls so they make friends with krys, the only guy who will even talk to them

they pretend to defend each other and pretend to care about each other's feelings but it doesn't matter when they are donkey dick ugly

combined, their non-beauty could kill all living things in 100,000 mile radius. Beware of his ugly friends, especially the "girls" you can probably see them coming because everyone will drop dead on the streets when they walk towards you

krys has some ugllyyy friends

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krys is the most kindest funniest cutest human being, if u know a krys hug him, he deserves it.

krys is so funny

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