Definder - what does the word mean?

What is EUNE?

The name Eun-Ju is embodied by a precious and special human being that enriches the world and many lives simply by her presence. Her softness and gentleness are very touching so that everyone who once meets her never wants to let go of her. Understandable. She is gorgeous and is spreading endlessly good vibes. But often a lot of people overstep her boundaries by constantly taking her energy.
An Eun-Ju is an inspiring, wonderful, creative and loving person. She gives the most soothing hugs and you can have the most warming conversations with her. I love to see her thriving. If you have an Eun-Ju in your life, let her know you appreciate and love her.

You will recognize an Eun-Ju by her natural beauty inside out and her contagious energy.

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EUNE - meme gif

EUNE meme gif

EUNE - video


EUNE - what is it?

1. Korean name that means : โ€˜Gods favouriteโ€™
2. Other meaning : โ€˜Kindness, mercy, charity, silverโ€™
3. A badass woman
4. She doesnโ€™t take crap, and wonโ€™t mind to tell you if you crossed a line. It is a priviledge to have a Ji Eun in your life. If you manage to get to know one, keep her. She is a loyal and will always have your back.

- Damn check that ass on that Ji Eun

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What does "EUNE" mean?

Super gorgeous, loves yo mama jokes, and fried chicken.

Wow, I wish I had a hyo eun to cheer me up today. She just makes my eggs lit up and crack their shell.

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EUNE - what does it mean?

A person who won't take things lightly all the time. Loves to have fun and is easy to tease. A person with a great charming smile and is easy to have a sisterly bond with. But has her likes and dislikes. Someone you can trust for sure! You can notice that they can be competitive too at times. Someone who has a sexy bod also (: They can tend to get a little agressive and bi polar but overall very lovable.

Eun-bit, Bit, sisterly

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EUNE - meaning

A person who excessively uses smilies, particularly "= 3 =" and ".______."

It's so hard to understand Eun-jais with their excessive smiley usage.

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EUNE - definition

An asain male who hustles women . A act of an asian man who who macks a lot, may or not be successful, the fact is that he trys.

"He was putting the Eun on her"

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EUNE - slang

Korean word for silver.

A Korean name that happens to have "Eun" in it would be "Yaeeun ".

Did you know Eun means silver in Korean?

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My friend, Eun, is someone who has made me smile a lot recently even tho we haven't known each other for a lot. She has various positive characteristics; she's pretty, nice, loyal, super caring and she makes me smile a lot, she also has a great sense of humour. She's a great person overral and she makes me genuinely smile, I don't like waking up seeing her offline; I just go back to sleep knowing sheโ€™ll be online some hours after. I really love her, I'll always be there for her even when I'm at my lowest. I never felt a strong attachment to a person I met some days ago but she's really special. Her voice is beautiful, I love her laugh, I love the way she talks, everything.

Everyone needs an Eun in their life.

Eun is a beautiful girl

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person that throws some stuff out of blue and leave us with it, thinking we will understand something

youโ€™re eun!

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Korean word for silver.

A Korean name that happens to have "Eun" in it would be "Yaeeun ".

Did you know Eun means silver in Korean?

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