Definder - what does the word mean?

What is jingle belle?

A special Christmas burger that's served with bell pepper

"Hey Bob, what's the burger of the day?" "It's the Jingle Bell Pepper Burger, you should try it!"

👍39 👎17

jingle belle - video


Jingle belle - what is it?

A blunt smoked Christmas eve usually consisting of very dank marijuana and wrapped in red and green colored hash

"last night i smoked a jingle bell blunt"

👍31 👎11

What does "jingle belle" mean?

Jingle bells reversed is a prank flash animation designed to scare the viewer. It was one of the first to appear on the internet and was created by Mr. Moe, the designer of

On the original version on funnypart, before the video is played, a warning message is shown saying it is not suitable for minors of children with heart conditions. Then it brings up a sound track and a play button and tells the viewer to play the section of jingle bells. It plays as expected. Then the sound track visually flips revealing the audio track from the other side. It states that you should turn up the volume for best results. It plays backwards but when the indicator reaches near the end, a picture of Mr. Moe the creator making a face as if he is screaming in negative is shown first. There is a split second pause before a loud and piercing scream is heard.

The scream then echoes away and a message is shown saying "did you get the message? yes, I am a bastard"

This has been widely discussed as being upsetting and distasteful as a prank and was eventually taken down from the website

"have you seen this thing"
"no, what is it"
"it is jingle bells played in reverse"
"jingle bells reversed?"
"ye give it a try"
"tum tee tum too tee tum too"
Now hear it backwards"
"oot mut eet oot mut eet mut AHHHHHH!!!!!!"
"lol u son of a bitch"

👍59 👎19

Jingle belle - what does it mean?

friends who are festive as fuck but also some of your main bitches

Lexi: Ladies, lets go drink some hot cockalate and sing Mariah Carey Christmas jams
Ladies: Jingle Bell Bitches fucking Unite lets do this

👍25 👎11

Jingle belle - meaning

Term used to describe Santa Claus's penis.

-Dude I actually think Santa Claus is pretty hot
--I know! I wanna jump on his jingle bell cock

👍69 👎13

Jingle belle - definition

Numerous amounts of grenades landing around you at the same time also know as nade-a-rade

Dude i was in this room and every one started throwing grenades in the room all i heard was jingle bells.

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Jingle belle - slang

An "Xmas" shawty

"I can't wait to see my little jingle belle"

👍33 👎15

Jingle belle

When a woman lies on her back, giving her partner a deep throat, while his balls slap her on the forehead making a greasy sound.

She wanted to give him a blowjob. He made her lie down on her back and take it all. His oily hairy balls started slapping her on the forehead. She thought it was Christmas and the jingle bells were ringing.

👍103 👎87

Jingle belle

When a girl's pussy is so loose, your dick can fit very easily in her cunt, so to please her, you have to shake your dick left and right against her pussy walls like you shake a jingle bell.

Me: Yo Tommy, I spent a night Jingle-Belling that loose sister of yours!
Tommy: Imma fuck you up bitch!

👍53 👎31

Jingle belle

When you get kicked in the balls so hard that your balls knock together in your nut sack.

Some chick jingle belled me last week and my balls still hurt.

👍45 👎11