Definder - what does the word mean?

What is hummingbirding?

Sex position when you get your woman perpendicular to you so one of her legs is wrapped around your neck and the other is wrapped around your legs. Then you rapidly thrust and flap your arms so both of you look like a hummingbird in flight. It helps if she swallows your nectar to finish the job.

Guy 1: Emily used to be a contortionist, so we did the hummingbird all night long.

Guy 2: Is that even possible?

👍69 👎75

hummingbirding - meme gif

hummingbirding meme gif

hummingbirding - video


Hummingbirding - what is it?

Butterfly kisses (using your eyelashes to tickle) on your lovers genitals.

She slid down my chest and stomach, and I got excited, but then instead of fellatio she started hummingbirding me. I could not believe how it felt! That is my future wife right there!

👍37 👎21

What does "hummingbirding" mean?

when the guy sticks his pointer and middle finger into the girls vagina just like a hummingbird would do to the nectar of a fucking flower

i gave sara the hummingbird last night when i realized she didnt have any underwear under her tight ass skirt!

👍115 👎127

Hummingbirding - what does it mean?

(v.) When with a big group of people comprised of many smaller groups of people, flitting from conversation to conversation much in the fashion of a hummingbird going from flower to flower.

Look how good a host Carlton is: He's been hummingbirding from group to group for the past 3 hours.

👍45 👎23

Hummingbirding - meaning

A chick (or "bird" as they say in UK) who loves to give humming blowjobs, flying around from feeder to feeder, sucking away!

Oh my God! Melissa is the BEST hummingbird I have ever met!

👍213 👎183

Hummingbirding - definition

Female Wit Smelly Vagina

Tell Dat Yamp Get The Summers Eve

Heard His Girl Is A Hummingbird Hes A Chicken Of The Sea Baii

👍169 👎139

Hummingbirding - slang

A deep rim job where the tounge is inserted far into the recipients ass hole

Jim couldn't wait for Tom to give his quivering asshole a hummingbird.

👍159 👎101


A little bird that doesn't know the importance of its species. Sure, it might be the unsung hero compared to the bee, but its elegance and intelligence inspires many.

The hummingbird flit from one flower to the next, pollinating flowers, exuding beauty and gracefulness.

👍85 👎31


Shiny, tiny little birds that occasionally hurl themselves into garages and die for some reason. They exist entirely on sugar and drink about half thier weight every day-jesus Christ, no wonder they're so hyper.

Look! It's a hummingbird!



You missed it!


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(noun) -huhm-ing-burd

A very small nectar-sipping New World bird of the family Trochilidae, characterized by the brilliant, iridescent plumage of the male, a slender bill, and narrow wings, the extremely rapid beating of which produces a humming sound: noted for their ability to hover and to fly upward, downward, and backward in a horizontal position.

(noun) -huhm-ing-burd

A name given to a woman who represents grace and beauty. In likeness to the hummingbird, the world becomes more picturesque and aesthetic when she is in sight. Her existence surpasses poetry and cannot be constrained to just words alone, just as a hummingbird's wings cannot be captured with sight alone. Life's most precious things cannot be fully comprehended by the senses but only felt in the heart. A hummingbird (human female) will often bear the tattooed figure of a hummingbird (small nectar-sipping bird) on her ribcage. It is very rare that you should find such a woman, but if done; make her your best friend.

There are no words to describe the friendship of a hummingbird, you only feel gratitude and thankfulness.

👍101 👎27