Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Yamp?

A young tramp/an underage hoe

Did you see them yamps kickin it on da corner

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Yamp - meme gif

Yamp meme gif

Yamp - video


Yamp - what is it?

young tramp

Look at that fine ass yamp ova der

👍597 👎165

What does "Yamp" mean?

Yamp is a combination of clamp and yum - used to describe a persons eating mannerism or alternative oral abilities.

Yamp down on that biatch!

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Yamp - what does it mean?

Young Tramp

She's such a yamp.

I can't stand these yamps.

👍29 👎21

Yamp - meaning

An old person,and/or someone who is not fun. A kill joy, elder; Fun Hater

While we were car scaping, I looked to the left of me in order to sing an obnoxious song off the radio to another passenger, who was placed in another automobile. The balding patches and discontent look gave me the notion, he was indeed a yamp.

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Yamp - definition

young tramp; a nasty person

you a nasty ol' yamp.

ya ol' yamp ass.

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Yamp - slang

An old person and/or someone who is not fun. A kill-joy, elder; fun-hater. Not to be confused with ageism, by any means.

While we were car scaping, I looked to the left of me in order to sing an obnoxious song off the radio to another driver, who was in another automobile. The balding patches and discontent look gave me the notion, he was indeed a yamp.

Originally published by Allison Burns 11/29/2007

👍31 👎13


A young tramp

"I don't know what your thinking about but you need to get those yamps out of my apartment ,dude. From now on I'm checking all yamps ids at the door. I'm not trying to end up in a celly like R Kelly."

👍25 👎11


A skank woman, Hoodrat, losse lady.

How many YAMP'S were at the party last nite?

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Young Tramp

That girl sittin at the bar is a true yamp.

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