Definder - what does the word mean?

What is grindle?

A kid who likes to eat zebra Cakes afterschool from family dollar

Trenton grindle why did you take my zebra cake

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grindle - meme gif

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Grindle - what is it?

someone who licks grindles or taints; an asshole or otherwise undesirable person

Man your friend Andre is a real grindle gobbler, huh?
Yeah, he's gay.

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What does "grindle" mean?

An incredibly attractive guy that gives himself completely to the one he loves. His caring is only surpassed by his sexual stamina.

He’s a Grindle if a guy.

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Grindle - what does it mean?

A person that causes annoyance and frustration

Eurgh you’re such a grindle bum!

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Grindle - meaning

verb- when you use too much saliva rolling a joint, and the glue does not burn at the same rate as the paper, effectively providing an ashtray underneath the doobie for the ensuing ash.

noun a grindle is the joint resullting from grindling

Verb- Oh, Damn , I grindled that fat one!

Noun- Hey pass me that grindle, bogart!

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Grindle - definition


a term for a revolting, vile, absolutely awful person who continuously hits on people. some characteristics can include disgusting, selfish, ugly, dumb, and basic.

Alex is the biggest Grindle I know.

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Grindle - slang

grindle (n.)
a term for a revolting, vile, absolutely awful person who continuously hits on people. some characteristics can include disgusting, selfish, ugly, dumb, and basic.

Alex Grindle is the definition of Grindle

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grindle (n.)
a term for a revolting, vile, absolutely awful person who continuously hits on people. some characteristics can include disgusting, selfish, ugly, dumb, and basic.

Alex Grindle is the definition of grindle.

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The line that runs across the middle of your balls.

Hey, my groid hurts.

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the skin between your balls and asshole.

I have one hairy grindle!

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