Definder - what does the word mean?

What is giga-fucked?

A condition realized when you go way over your shitty 5GB per month wireless allotment and realize that there is no way you can pay your Sprint bill without taking a second job.

Gamer: well, that download puts me at 37 GB this month, I am giga-fucked.

👍27 👎11

giga-fucked - meme gif

giga-fucked meme gif

giga-fucked - video


Giga-fucked - what is it?

A whole lot worse than just fucked.

Phone conversation

1st- I got busted for a D.U.I. again
2nd- damn, you're fucked now
1st- It gets worse, we had drugs in the car and the guys in the back were packin' illegal guns......
2nd- HOLY SHIT, you be giga fucked now

👍47 👎35

What does "giga-fucked" mean?

A unit of measuring how much some one got fucked over

Wow did you see that, he got totally Giga-Fucked

👍33 👎15