Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gangbuster?

A bad ass collaboration of two bad ass Dj's from seattle.
JAME$ERVIN & Mumbles!

Ya'll ready to go dance, Gangbusters are spinning!?

👍57 👎261

gangbuster - meme gif

gangbuster meme gif

gangbuster - video


Gangbuster - what is it?

Used to describe the quality and size of surf.

"The surf is going's gangbusters !"

👍95 👎469

What does "gangbuster" mean?

A person who gangbusts.

Don't play like a bunch of gangbusters!

Carlee, you're such a gangbuster.

👍71 👎271

Gangbuster - what does it mean?

gangbusters ;adjective. When used to describe people it infers the person is highly attractive. When used to describe an object it means it is highly desirable/cool

Aaron: Oh wow that chick is so gangbusters
Bob: Yeah thats Alyssa
Aaron: wow.... gangbusters...

👍97 👎361

Gangbuster - meaning

used to describe an action displaying a complete lack of subtlety

"When John saw the bank being robbed, he just charged in all gangbusters."

👍163 👎369

Gangbuster - definition

most commonly used in conjunction with "like" to describe something that is extremely effective

Wow, this fleshlight works like gangbusters!

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Gangbuster - slang

Also used in conjunction with "like", to create "like gangbusters". This phrase can be used to describe something energetic or intense.

"Its raining like gangbusters"
"Check out my gangbusters new CD"

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Gang Busters was a famous radio program that was first heard in 1936 and aired until 1957. The sound effects of police sirens, tommyguns, and screeching tires that opened the show were dramatic and exciting -- this inspired the expression 'coming on like gangbusters'.
Usage has opened up to describe things that are not just exciting, but successful, intense, and many other adjectives, and many drop the 'coming on like' prefix. I think we should be more careful about how we use it, and keep it true to its origin -- something that starts with much excitement and drama is 'coming on like gangbusters'.

The rainstorm late last night came on like gangbusters!

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a sexual advance made by someone in an atttempt to turn on another person

oh feel my hair, it's so soft. I know this gangbuster revs your engine.

👍77 👎339