Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ERVIN?

When the chunky buddy Ervin instantly flips out over his inability to correctly hear correct information. This event is usually followed by uncontrollable laughter.

"Sir it is $6.08"
"Yeah I want some soy sauce"
"Sir its $6.08"
"Yeah soy sauce"
"Sir $6.08"
"SOY SAUCE!!!!!!!"
There is the ervinism

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ERVIN - meme gif

ERVIN meme gif

ERVIN - video


ERVIN - what is it?

The dude gives 0 fucks. Like seriously man! You try to vent but the dude will just put his hand on your face and push you the fuck aside. I mean, the guys a dick. One time, a girl at our school was going to confess her feelings to him and just when she was about to give him his gift, the fucking asshole grabbed it and threw it in the trash! THE TRASH!! The one next to the boys bathroom! Well at least he did one good thing, he made that girl a lesbian.

Ervin is a dick

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What does "ERVIN" mean?

A kind, intelligent person who likes gaming, learning, and is really good at staying up late. A good friend who's fun to be around. He has a stash of candy that he owes.

"ervine is still gaming?? its 2am."

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ERVIN - what does it mean?

A cool guy. A very cool guy. The coolest guy. He’s most likely a dad, but he’s still a real cool guy. Don’t beep with him, or you’ll get swerved.

Sometimes he’s just too cool for school, so he skips it. If you’re lookin’ for a man, he is the way to go.

Have you met ervins? He’s a dad in more ways than one

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ERVIN - meaning

Ervin is the man of your dreams. Don't ignore him! He looks shy on the outside but oh man, is he romantic and naughty as fuck. He will make you happy for all the days in your life. He is the one true love you need and want. He's amazing in bed and is very blessed "down there" IYKWIM and knows how to treat you like a lady. He's the perfect boyfriend, you know he's The One and know that he's going to be the most amazing husband and father one day when you both get married. He's an absolute gentleman and you know for a fact that he sees you as the only woman in the world and isn't going to take you for granted and cheat on you and neglect you. Did I mention he's also super smart as well?

He also has great fashion sense. Looks amazing in black and a lot of other colors. He always smells good and looks good.

He makes you fall in love with him even when he's just staring at you with his beautiful eyes. You know he loves you so much that you don't even doubt it for a second. If you thought you would never ever want kids in your entire life, wait until you meet Ervin. He's the man that'll make you want to settle and start a family with him.

"Who's that handsome dude standing next to you earlier? Is he single?"

"Oh, his name is Ervin! Also you'd better back the fuck off, he's mine!!"

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ERVIN - definition

The last name of Irish rebels who once upon time fought beside William Wallace.

"What are some of the families the fought with William Wallace?"
"The Ervin clan"

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ERVIN - slang

The embodiment of sexual energy, this guy has the infinity stone of sexual energy. An Ervin is also very cute, loyal, empathic, sympathetic and will never let you down, you can always trust an Ervin. This name belongs only to the most unique and special people. Ervins are basically inhumanely handsome demigods, who have barely any negative qualities. You really wouldn't want to lose your Ervin.

George: I am so happy I've met Ervin, he is the best thing ever to happen in my life.
Everyone else: Yeah, you sure are lucky af!

Susan: Oh god, I wish I could date Ervin. I hope he has a crush on me!

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Ervin is so cute

I wanna be Ervin

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The kind of boy with looks that will make you forget how to breathe,will make you laugh like no other, will make you feel like the lucky one if you were his girl, will love you with all his heart, will never mistreat you, will make the best love to you ever, will be the perfect boy you'll ever meet in your whole entire life, he'll make you need and want him every second of your life.

"I want to marry Ervin."

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Ervin is a lover. He is loyal until the end. He believes in what is just and fair fighting for it when opportunities arise. His sweet spirit is caring but not apologetic. He lacks sympathy for stupidity and believes people get what they deserve. For him hard work will pay off, but staying motivated can be most of the task. He is athletic and can excel at any sport or physical activity. He loves innocence and feels the need to protect women and children. His has a soldiers heart, serve and protect. He makes others feel safe when He is around. He carries himself like a warrior, staying lean and fit. He is sexy and dresses to impress! He smells good and looks good. If you find an Ervin you will be hooked.

Girl1 : I think I found the man of my dreams! He would be a great husband and father. He is such a good guy , strong and sexy too.

Girl2: a guy like that is hard to find. He must be an Ervin.

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