Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fro's?

The amazing hair of My Chemical Romance guitarist, Ray Toro. Recently the Fro has been tamed and flattened significantly, to the extreme displeasure of the fans. The Chemicalists believe that the Fro will detatch from its host in an MCR apocalypse (note: We are joking people!)

"The fro looks like it's eating Ray's face in this picture."

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fro's - meme gif

fro's meme gif

fro's - video


Fro's - what is it?

(noun) A female bro. A woman who is cool and can hang with the guys.

Bros and Fros Before Hos

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What does "fro's" mean?

Shortening of afro

Puffin' up the fro

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Fro's - what does it mean?

A place to store personal possessions.

Do you have a pen?

Yes, I think I do have a pen in my fro. Here you go.

Thank you. My, that fro sure comes in handy.

Yes, I store lots of things in it.

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Fro's - meaning

It's another expression which means some like "Go and get back" or "moving on and on" or "restless".

This song is awesome, it makes me sway to and fro.

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Fro's - definition

Fuck Right Off
when fuck off just isnt enough
started using it in college when started getting told off for swearing

them "your momma....etc"

you "oh, go FRO"

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Fro's - slang

A slang term used to describe a Cigarette.

"yo! you got a fro?"

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Froing (v.) - the act of moving or walking with a jarring or stumbling manner due to major impairment in one's motor skills / hand-eye coordination. Most often used for cannabis intoxication, but can also be transferred to alcohol intoxication due to similar clumsy movement.

Originating from the Old English "to and fro"

Primary use:
Dude, check him out! He's so blitzed he's already froing!

Secondary use:
He got that scar by getting plastered last year on 17 bottles of beer, started froing all over the house and finally tripped and hit his face on the heating radiator.

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For Real Yo

Person 1: You’re the best at this game bro!
Person 2: Fro.

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Puffy growth of hair, intentional or otherwise.

See "afro"

Bills beard looks like a facial fro.

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