Definder - what does the word mean?

What is chillas?

shortened for chinchilla coat

we rockin precious sable, keep that chilla on the rack

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chillas - meme gif

chillas meme gif

chillas - video


Chillas - what is it?

The exact opposite but equal to hella.

As hella is to hot, chilla is to cool.

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What does "chillas" mean?

A South African slang term that refers to relaxing with friends over drinks & a braai. Most of the time they're small and collective & taken place in a person's apartment or townhouse. In rare case scenario's it escalates to a huge party or (rarely) a street bash.

Thuto: Eish bra, what can we do this weekend?
Andre: Lets have a chillas at my place. I bring the meat, you bring the meddies.
Thuto : Fede😁

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Chillas - what does it mean?

Hot, Beutiful, Sexy, Ladie. Any ladie that you think is FLY!

We saw some chillas at the bar last night.

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Chillas - meaning

Hot, Beutiful, Sexy, Lady. Any lady that you think is FLY!

That is one hot chilla!

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Chillas - definition

(noun) Swedish variation of chill, means literally "to chill". See also chill.

Ey grabben! Chilla!

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Chillas - slang

Short plural term for "Chinchilla". A small member of the rodent family, commonly kept as a pet or bred for their fur.

Go and feed the chillas.

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someone who sits around smokin fat blunts and skateboards or is a bum.

I was chillin like all chillas should be chillin

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1) to be at a state of chilling in which all your doing is chilling, and nothing else, except chilling.

2) cannabis horticulture in legal legitimate agriculture.

an acronym.

ex. yo dude we're so chilla right now.

dude i know.

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A derogatory Spanish slang term used to describe the mistress, or the side chick.

"I'm his wife you're nothing but his chilla."

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