Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cheesestick?

riley, the girl who plays volleyball and doesnt wear pants

Riley is a cheesestick.

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cheesestick - meme gif

cheesestick meme gif

cheesestick - video


Cheesestick - what is it?

The act of placing the penis into a female's waxy-ear, pulling it out, and having her lick and eat the ear wax off of it.

Hey! Your brother came over last night to give me the ol' Californian Cheesestick! All I have to say is that it was delicious!!

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What does "cheesestick" mean?

A sexual position between a male and female where the male puts his penis in the females rectum and masturbates her with a stick of string cheese.

She told me she was hungry while we were having sex, so I gave her a Russian Cheesestick.

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Cheesestick - what does it mean?

-it's a cheesestick, but it belongs to felix. that is why it's special
-the reason why mr. lee yongbok of stray cheese is accused of taking the food


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Cheesestick - meaning

A girl who gets so many tans that she becomes orange, making her a cheesestick

Guy 1: Lulz, that girl over there is orange, she needs to quit tanning
Guy 2: Lulz, she looks like a cheesestick

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Cheesestick - definition

Uncommonly Known As A White Person as the snack itself resembles the skin color of, well, a white person.

Person 1: Hey Dude

Person 2: Hey cheesestick

Person 1:Wha- You son of a BIT-

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Cheesestick - slang

A guy with a small penis, about as wide as a cheesestick, thus the name. Also has horrible technique, often described as "*Jab*jab*jab*".

Woman 1: OMG, tell me everything!
Woman 2: He was a total cheesestick. I could barely feel anything except a stabbing feeling.
Woman 1:...You have my deepest sympathies.

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When you fingerbang a girl after eating a large bag of Cheetos.

I cheesesticked this girl that I met a party last night.

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Term for the male penis.

Girl: Mmm, I'm hungry....for love.
Boy: Taste my cheesestick in your mouth

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When you have so much semen on your dick that it appears to be fully white.

*Due to him ejaculating so quickly, it didn't take long for him to have a cheesestick.*

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