Definder - what does the word mean?

What is brooning?

(Ger., Aus.) (slang) A term originating in late 20th-century Germany, though now more commonly used in predominantly English-speaking nations, esp. England, Ireland, and the United States, used in name-calling to indicate a person who is considered dumb or unintelligent and who is known to steal. A slang term for a stupid or dumb thief.

"Ah, ol' Ferguson is such a klount broon. The bastard's gonna get caught one o' these days. Hey--by the way, Tim, did Brenda suck your cock?"

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Brooning - what is it?

(Ger., Aus.) (slang) A term originating in late 20th-century Germany, though now more commonly used in predominantly English-speaking nations, esp. England, Ireland, and the United States, used in name-calling to indicate a person who is considered dumb or unintelligent and who is known to steal. A slang term for a stupid or dumb thief.

"Ah, ol' Ferguson is such a klount broon. The bastard's gonna get caught one o' these days. Hey--by the way, Tim, did Brenda suck your cock?"

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What does "brooning" mean?

(Ger., Aus.) (slang) A term originating in late 20th-century Germany, though now more commonly used in predominantly English-speaking nations, esp. England, Ireland, and the United States, used in name-calling to indicate a person who is considered dumb or unintelligent and who is known to steal. A slang term for a stupid or dumb thief.

"Ah, ol' Ferguson is such a klount broon. The bastard's gonna get caught one o' these days. Hey--by the way, Tim, did Brenda suck your cock?"

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Brooning - what does it mean?

Short for bro spoon, it's spooning between two bros where no sexuality is implied. All the joy and comfort of spooning while keeping your bro-ness intact.

Bro 1) I'm getting kinda cold dude, can you broon with me?

Bro 2) No worries, I got you bro.

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Brooning - meaning

a shitstain on the ass of life

Man, that's Broon!

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Brooning - definition

A Homosexual male, with bad looks

"He is just like broon"

"What a Broon"

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Brooning - slang

Scots, Nickname for people who's last name is Brown, can also be made into a longer version as Broony. Also the name of a famous scottish cartoon family "The Broons"

"Broon is late"
"Broon is a fanny"

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Geordie or Newcastle slang for their beloved brown ale brewed in the area. Also known as Dog as in "I am out on the dog"

I'll av a Bottle o broon please mate

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A person so obnoxious that he/she stinks up the room with its overall dullness.

Man, that broon was obnoxious last night.

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Two hetrosexual males (bros) lying down together on their sides (spooning) for nothing more than a bit of company and comfort.

Dave: Man I'm so tired.
Rick: Me too brah.
Dave: Fancy a spot of brooning old chap?
Rick: Oh for shizzly, just don't tell my wife, she wouldn't understand.

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