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What is basting the turkey?

A girl wears a turkey hat and while pulling on the legs and making the turkey noise (gobble gobble) the guy cums in her face.

I walked in on Matt Basting the turkey with Annabel on Thanksgiving. Looked like she had a better meal than us.

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basting the turkey - video


Basting the turkey - what is it?

Inject me with your sperm

You can baste my turkey anytime

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What does "basting the turkey" mean?

The act of dry humping or having sexual activity without actually exchanging fluids.

I don't want to have sex but I'll 'Baste the Turkey'.

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Basting the turkey - what does it mean?

When you're really looking forward to some anal action, but realize that you're all out of water based lubricant. Out of necessity you turn to melted butter and generously baste your penis in preparation for sweet ass lovin'.

M: Did you get some back door action last night broseph?
S: Yeah but I was all out of Astroglide so I ended up basting her turkey in a dutch oven! She was so aroused by the sweet smell of butter and ass juice that she sucked me dry afterward.
M: *fist bump*

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Basting the turkey - meaning

The art of jerking off, your hand is the turkey like when you used it to draw them in kindergarten, your jizz is the the baste.

Man I didn't finish my homework because I was basting the turkey, I gotta quit making sexcuses.

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Basting the turkey - definition

When a Man and woman are having sex and the man then pulls out and ejaculates on her and then begins to Gobble while he is doing it.

Basting the Turkey.Gobble, Gobble, Gobble, Try to sound realistic!!

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Basting the turkey - slang

(Phrase) The act of properly lubricating an elderly woman's vagina prior to engaging in sexual intercourse.

Fred: What were you doing at that old woman's house yesterday?
Peter: I was Basting the Turkey, so I could plow her.

Carol: Was that strapping young man helping you carry groceries yesterday?
Maude: Because I was so dry, that young man was basting me like a turkey, so he could plow me.

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Basting the turkey

The act of having sexual intercourse with a woman while she is pregnant and cuming inside her.

Joe: You had sex with your wife? isn't she pregnant?
Bob: Yeah I was really basting the turkey last night.

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Basting the turkey

Slang for masturbating

Girl 1: Oh my god last night i walked in and Jake was basting the turkey.

Girl 2: what did you do?

Girl 1: What any good friend would do, i sucked his dick.

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