Definder - what does the word mean?

What is azad?

Bangla euphemism for small penis. Popularized by the YouTuber Salman the Brownfish's song Bad Ass.

Amar choto azad snap korbo.

👍39 👎17

azad - meme gif

azad meme gif

azad - video


Azad - what is it?

King in Lohmannshof, Bielefeld , Germany

Azad -(King)-
In the ancient Rome, people were talking about him.

👍27 👎15

What does "azad" mean?

My favourite boy . The cutest boy ever . If you're named Azad you're a perfect boy and I love you.

People : Who is Azad why are you always talking about him?
Me : he's my favourite cute boy

👍31 👎17

Azad - what does it mean?

Best gamer in the world in any games, can get any girl he wants, a Straight A student, has a jumbo dick and knows how to use it.

Zoe: You are such an Azad
Eric: I know, I am a good gamer and I have a jumbo dick

👍41 👎29

Azad - meaning

Most flattering term imaginable.

"Wow Isabel, you're lookin azad today."

👍71 👎29

Azad - definition

Someone who is noble and will stick up for their friends. They will always put others before themselves.

Dude. I can't believe you backed me up in that fight. That was so azad of you.

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Azad - slang

Hitler's kurdish son who's winning Trebles for Bayern in Farmers League and plays for Madda Sister FC as a goalscoring striker when he doesn't dip.

Azad sym or bagged

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Devious, manipulator, crafty, intelligent

- He was/is such/so an azad!

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A really nice person that rarely says 'no' to others.

That guy just gave me free food! What an azad!

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means free or freedom in both Kurdish and Farsi


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