Definder - what does the word mean?

What is azadi?

Azadi is in her own world, existing and being while also socialising, she is cute and funny and resilient and motivated but also very very tired, she likes laying on the floor, dancing in the rain, and driving at 3am, she's always got a way of making you feel better.. even physically and she helps you with struggles you don't want people to have to help you with. she's got a way of existing that makes you want to exist with her.

person 1: Have you seen Azadi shes so strong.

person two: yea she's also ready good at math.

person me: and she has a really nice ass;)

👍25 👎11

azadi - meme gif

azadi meme gif

azadi - video


Azadi - what is it?

why tf my name not on here nigga

azadi, the realest nigga alive

👍29 👎13