Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Madda?

another way of telling someone to go fuck themselves

yo puss ol, gwaan guh suck ya madda

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Madda - meme gif

Madda meme gif

Madda - video


Madda - what is it?

A question that requires no response. The person asking the question already knows the listener is a moron lacking a fully functional mind. The question is often repeated several times in order to drive home this point. Any explanation from the mouth of the listener will only further enrage the person asking the question. The listener should leave immediately and probably kill his/herself.

"Was the madda witchu; are you stupid or sometin?"

👍37 👎31

What does "Madda" mean?

My dick

Na madda ra, this is simple

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Madda - what does it mean?

It Basically Means Your Mum Simple .

Boy 1: You Reall Ugly Boy
Boy 2: Yuh Madda Boy .

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Madda - meaning

Madda Cheeb is a different way of saying Master Chief. It is used in some cartoons by people or creatures with a speech impediment. It is how a cute or innocent creature might say his name.

"Ooooh! Wook! iss Madda Cheeb!"

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Madda - definition

A presidential marymounter; a "shabam" one that is...

Watch out, she might just call you a fat crow

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Madda - slang

mad, madda

yuh think yuh mad? mi sey mi madda

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Nothing, what's a madda with you?!

I saw a madda on the street the other day.

What's a madda?

Nothing, what's a madda with you? HAHAHA.

Fuck you.

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It is to describe something as mad or something that is so good, you cannot explain it through diction.
This word can be used in many contexts; for example clothes, shoes and other things of significance.

Speng "Yo bro, look at these creps."
Cam "BROOOOOO, those creps are maddas, a hard cop..."

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Friend, mate, comes from the word Marra (Geordie Slang for partner) Originally came from Oxclose Community school in Washington.

Areet Madda!

That was class that madda!

Hew madda, pass the ball!

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