Definder - what does the word mean?

What is adah?

A kind and amazing friend that has a slight obsession with frogs. She is goofy, outgoing, sometimes shy, but most of all caring. She cares for everyone before herself and makes sure all of her friends are safe and well, physically and mentally. There is no other friend like her. Others think she is weird person that hates everyone. But you know that is one of the most caring people on this planet that would use herself to shield a frog from a car.

Person 1: have you seen my adah
person 2: no why do you care
person 1: because she is awesome

👍25 👎11

adah - meme gif

adah meme gif

adah - video


Adah - what is it?

Adah is a slut. Plain and simple. No one likes her. She can suck on a bag of buttholes. She is also a trans. She likes to smoke weed in the bathrooms when she skips classes.

Adah the Bitch means someone that can die in hole

👍33 👎63

What does "adah" mean?

The biggest chad on earth, smartest guy. But has a girl name, or is it male. We will never really know. Let's say unisex for now. Can be cool but has tiny temper.

Hey Adah
Hey hows it going
I wanna end myself
Haha same!

👍25 👎11

Adah - what does it mean?

The first female child of a family from the Igbo tribe. She's hardworking, cute and talented. She always has the interest of others at heart and is soft spoken.

I am the adah of my family

👍25 👎11

Adah - meaning

she is just that bitch POINT BLANK DONE yall could never be her but yall want to. she never gets mad but will cut a bitch so back up.

keep playing and I will get Adah.

👍53 👎23

Adah - definition

the hotest girl in the school

wow is that adah

👍49 👎19

Adah - slang

The most caring, loving mother/ sister/ daughter/ ex wife/ best friend ever. She is a mother to all and is always the voice of reason. Gorgeous, confident, great sense of humor, funny, easy to love, honest, smarter than she gives herself credit for. You always feel a need to protect her or stand behind her and remind her how amazing and talented she is. Always considerate and never fails to be the one you can always depend on.

A lifetime friend whom you should all be so lucky to have. Having an Adah in your life is having someone to understand.

I wish the world had an Adah. smoke dog for life !

👍97 👎19


usually extremely tall and attractive very caring and compassionate toward others. She is always helpful and has many talents. Adahs are amazing girls and people you should get to know.

you are so nice...just like Adah

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