Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Zakie?

the Zaki I know is such a cute and handsome person. he's quiet but smart, also pretty cold to others that he finds annoying. if Zaki somewhat doesn't talk to you, that means you've done something. He really loves to play his games and is interested in photography. he wears glasses (which is hot), and he loves to watch anime and read manga/manhwa.

me: "u know what?"
Ella: "what?"
me: "my last virtual ex named Zaki"

👍41 👎15

Zakie - meme gif

Zakie meme gif

Zakie - video


Zakie - what is it?

guy that makes hilarious jokes

person 1: omg ur so funny

person 2: yep, that's a zaki

👍49 👎15

What does "Zakie" mean?

egg man

this is zaky, the egg man

👍45 👎13

Zakie - what does it mean?

Gorgeous darskin young man, that is very outgoing and cool to hang out with. Also he's charming, funny, unique, and smart can't find another like him. he's loyal to what is his, and has very lovely hair and dresses cool

"You gout out with Zakie?, you must be a lucky young woman."

👍115 👎27

Zakie - meaning

A young male lion known as a very smart and intelligent lion. Zaki is also referred to as a young males that is very clever and knows a lot of stuff.

Zaki has a G.P.A of 5.0 and is going to Harvard University.

👍177 👎37

Zakie - definition

Zaki in arabic mean smart or obviously clever.
In daily life he or she is multitasking person.


👍571 👎121

Zakie - slang

a teenager who tends to have an expressionless but very cool and mysterious face.
deep down zaki is a very caring and loving person
zaki is also known for his mysterious good looks

"did you see that new kid? his eyes are so deep and mysterious"

"yeah, he sure is a zaki "

👍141 👎27


Zaki is really very handsome and loving person.You will attract him as you see him.You want to be his girlfriend right away.You want to propose him but then he will come that moment and propose you .

That is zaki
He is so good


Zaki is very nice person

👍213 👎35


Zaki is a very intelligent person, though it my not look like it, he or she will shine over time. Do not underestimate him/her.

Also very quiet but very smart. Always thinking about something but when disturbed get angry. Keeps emotion to him/her self. Even though he/she hides his/her emotions He is a very loving and caring person. He picks and chooses his friends based on there personality and friendlyness . If he/she does not like or talk to you much be aware he/she is more capable than anyone thinks. Zaki overall Is a great person to be with. If he does not make eye contact with you that means he doesn't FUCK with you

Zaki is a complete boss

👍257 👎35


A very cool guy who makes everyone laugh. Once you meet him, you will want to be his friend right away. He is super cute and very good-looking. He has amazing music, clothes, food, everything. shows that he has feelings for you sometimes, but then might just randomly stop talking to you at any time.halarious. full of charisma. you have to love him. boys are jealous of him. girls are jealous of the girl he is flirting with at the time..

Zaki is so cool

👍689 👎87