Definder - what does the word mean?

What is What The Actual?

when something is so incredibly fucking stupid and shocking u are left speechless and fucking fuck says it all for u

β€œdid u see brendon urie getting fingered in the kitchen?”

*sends pic*
β€œwhat in the actual fucking fuck is this”

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What The Actual - video


What The Actual - what is it?

1. A phrase to be used when perplexed by anything, miniscule or otherwise.

2. A proclaim of confusion.

1. Return from break and walk into a clusterf*ck/shitshow!: "What in the actual factual....?"
2. Trying to fix something and you can't figure out how it goes back together OR unable to comprehend how something operates even from a basic standpoint: "What in the actual factual?"

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What does "What The Actual" mean?

Why the fuck would you search this?

What in the actual fuck are you doing here.

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What The Actual - what does it mean?

when something comepletly and idioticly unexpected happens and you dont know how to act about it

someone: (gets cancer, loses 3 of there 17 kidneys, gets AIDS, and eats 36 bats and 79 people in 5 sec's)


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What The Actual - meaning

First coined by Danish writer SΓΈren Kierkegaard, a technical philosophical phrase, employed primarily in metaphysical and existentialist discourses, to draw a sharp distinction between actual fucks and merely potential fucks.

Person online: I would like to express an opinion on which reasonable minds may differ.
SK: what in the ACTUAL fuck
Twitter: omg all the rts

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What The Actual - definition

What in the actual fuck?!? To describe a sence of shock and confusion about the reality of your situation.

Your phone was connected to wifi then suddenly disconnects without reason, your chair was there a minute ago and now its gone. What in the ACTUAL fuck.

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What The Actual - slang

Generally used to imply shock that the previous person has posted something either outrageously distasteful or outrageously off topic.

Someone: "I'm glad something bad happened"
Me: "What the actual fuck, dude"

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What The Actual

An expression of surprise or confusion used when what the fuck is insufficient to convey the magnitude of the situation. The increasingly flippant use and associated devaluation of the query 'what the fuck?' has necessitated the creation a more heart-felt derivative.

"What the actual fuck are you doing?"

"Have you seen Russell's beard yet?"
"Yeah... what the actual fuck?"

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What The Actual

Take a standard "What the fuck?", multiply by a level of disbelief or incredulity, and then you have "What the ACTUAL fuck?".

Someone parks in two spaces, you exclaim "What the ACTUAL fuck?",
Someone gets up in your face, you shout "What the ACTUAL fuck?".

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What The Actual

It is a way of showing your big dick to other men. ''What the actual'' could take the place of ''Why am I such a fucking faggot''.

Dim Sum:Hey man, I want to douse you in green paint and spank you like a disobedient avocado, what the actual?

Cool guy with big dick: Shut the fuck up.

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