Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Weaksauce?

Weaksauce(adj.) - A term used in place of "that is (lame/weak/gay/etc.)!"

(1)"Um...Honey, I think the condom broke."
(2)"Dude, you missed it! That fat chick just got punched in the face!"

👍69 👎103

Weaksauce - meme gif

Weaksauce meme gif

Weaksauce - video


Weaksauce - what is it?

Referring to a puny individual or a pathetic effort.

"Shadoe Sandford needs to get his weight up, he is such Weaksauce compared to Carlos."

👍71 👎103

What does "Weaksauce" mean?

Terribly insignifigant to the point of comedy

The man from X.I.M.I.A.N. was the true personification of absolute weaksauce douchery

👍73 👎107

Weaksauce - what does it mean?

v., tr. - to steal an item or items previously having been determined as rightfully belonging to another but usually not yet taken; or, to be a part of a method of determining ownership for such an item when you do not deserve it.

Originally from World of Warcraft forums, after a character named Weaksauce ninja'd an item not for his class.

Don't group with him. He weaksauced an item I needed.

I weaksauced the waitress's tip from some other table on my way out.

Oh, I hate her. She always weaksauces other girls' boyfriends.

👍81 👎123

Weaksauce - meaning

sucky, weak, something that isn't strong

That chick's boyfriend is weaksauce.

👍75 👎107

Weaksauce - definition

Anything that is generally frowned upon or laughed at by the non-faggot population. Interchangeable with "lame", "fail", and "garbage".

Thermos: I'm going to bed at 7 PM.
Flaw: Weaksauce.

👍113 👎139

Weaksauce - slang

A word commonly used by stoners in place of "lame" or "stupid."

"Man, pass the reefer."
"We're all out, bro."

👍723 👎661


calling one "weak sauce" compares an individual to the "mild" sauce found at Taco Bell; weak, insignificant, attempting to be like the other hot sauces, but not living up to expectations.

"Dude, that papercut was some weaksauce bs."

👍795 👎613


lame, weak, not good, not strong, not hot, easy,

His excuse is weaksauce. His run in X games was so weaksauce. Like after you watch someone do a 540 Mctwist but they sucked at it you say, "Weaksauce."

👍25 👎11


Paltry, insufficient, and laughable in effort

Terribly offended, the girl could only point and laugh at the weaksauce in Ximian's shorts.

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