Definder - what does the word mean?

What is WAVERLY?

Ah yes.. Known for the meanest streets in the northeast. It's a dangerous town simply rivaling Compton and St. Louis. If you’re in the mood for a good stabbing stop by the Waverly courts to get your quick fix but don’t stay too long cause you'll get syphilis... Plus there are beer cans on the Waverly school roof that just happened to be jack and miked up there... The mean streets of Waverly is and has always been considered the baddest f'n place in this sexy galaxy

Waverly P.A. is a town full of thugs and missing jiggabos

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WAVERLY - meme gif

WAVERLY meme gif

WAVERLY - video


WAVERLY - what is it?

The people living next door to Joe and Venessa

Call the Waverlys, their dog shit on our lawn again

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What does "WAVERLY" mean?

One of the most wealthy communities in the well know howard county (a.k.a HoCo). This is the chillest place to live. The community was built in 1990 and they are planning on building till 2010. Where everyone lives in walking distance of eachother and have the most pimped out homes. Right down the street (walking distance) from the local pool,tenis courts, golf course(surrounds community), supermarket(weis),italian restaurant and sports cafe (manigas), hair salon (sheer brothers),of course celebree (kids learning center where the working parents drop off their children for around $200-300 a week, subway, nail sallon, and much much more. Many of these already loaded teens either work as life gaurds at the waverly pool, Mangias, celebree, subway or weis. This three neighbrohood community is made of the most expensive houses around, the town houses go for around $700,000 and up. Homes and town houses are filled with big screen plasma TVs, swimming pools,pool tables, own private moon bounces, recording studios, soda machines, and too many computers for one family. These are definetly where the most chill parties go down. Ussually every1 here is a prep and if you don't go to Mount Hebron High school (best lax in country woo!) then you're either switching to MRHS or go to a private school. In the day teens are chilling at their private pools,having lunch at mangias, getting your nails/hair done, working at the waverly shopping center, playing a litle bit of tennis at our private courts, chilling in the house infront of a huge tv/lap top,or golfing. Were mostly preps here. We've been told to have the most paceful, safest, and quietest places around. Making it fine to have a beer nad chill on the golf course with a couple friends. Night time is where you're either at a bon fire, chillingon the golf course, at a house party(doesn't happen much unless you're watching some1's house for them), getting messed up at waverly elementry, or taking a dip in your pool with some of the craziest preps you'll ever meet. If you live in waverly you're the shit. if you don't you most likely wish you lived here and prolly drive over here everyday to chill with these crazy kids.

"Waverly Woods is a great place to live, and yes i do live in a pimped out home!!!, MTV should put me on cribs!"-local teen
"i've never seen such a quiet neighbrohood like this in my life"-visiter
"yeah...i wish i lived there i'm going to move there."-visiter

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WAVERLY - what does it mean?


Boy 1: Hey look it’s Waverly!
Boy 2: Ha, shorty.

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WAVERLY - meaning

A horrible town in Iowa made up of meth addicts,jocks getting away with murder,fourteen-year-old alcoholics,and lots of pregnant teenagers.Also has the shittiest skatpark on earth.Lots of drug dealers.

God I fucking hate Waverly.

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WAVERLY - definition

an amazing, sexy girl with enormous tits. She will make you extremely horny and give you massive errections. This girl is very rare because she is 100% real. Have fun with her

oh my gosh that Waverly was so amazing last night!

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WAVERLY - slang

A point where calling something amazing isn’t enough.
Very Swell.

Thoose beans that I just ate were waverly.

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waverly is a really funny person. she is super funny and is a meme god. she makes you smile even at your lowest point. she loves drag queens and food. her boobs look good 24/7 and she’s really down to earth. everyone wants to be her.

curtis: β€œomg did you see waverly last night?! what a babe”
thomas: β€œyeah i did! damn. she’s gorgeous”

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Usually women with very sexy, beautiful voices that enrich the soul and send you to a state of enlightenment, in which you will probably see God/gods/The Flying Spaghetti Monster in front of you, telling you that you just heard the voice of perfection.



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To have a really ugly childhood then turn into a drop dead sexy adult.

Selena Gomez was ugly in that show on Disney Channel .... but damn she sure waverlied! Shes so hot now!

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