Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Tehachapi?

The Drug Capital of California, Girls are sluts and Guys are Bro's

Tehachapi High School is like the Drug Addict of the world

👍89 👎281

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Tehachapi - what is it?

raging whore, leech to society, uses and has no goals

Guy 1: "hey that dirty old prostitute is being a real tehachapi renata right now!"

Guy 2: "Word"

👍31 👎23

What does "Tehachapi" mean?

One day god decided to make the worst town in the world. He made it in southern california and called it tehachapi, which translates roughly as "garbage" in native american.

tehachapi is an awful place

👍235 👎189

Tehachapi - what does it mean?

Tehachapi. The largest truck stop in California. We have it all. The small cafes, no actual stores, cheap weed, and all the sluts and fuck boys.

Tehachapi is also known to be that one town in the middle of nowhere that no one can pronounce, but the high locals.

Jerry; What is the closest truck stop?
Jeni; A place call Tea-hat-che-pie? (Tehachapi)I'm not sure how it is pronounced.

Jerry; Sounds sketchy, let's keep going.
Jeni; Ok.

👍43 👎19

Tehachapi - meaning

the shittiest town on the planet. the STD vagina of the world.

hicks are from tehachapi.

👍305 👎199

Tehachapi - definition

cultural cesspool of southern california. Located about an hour east of bako. Populated by bros and sluts exclusively. Abundant in cheap shitty weed and alcohol. Lifted trucks are also a commonality driven by bros (see above).
There is no social scene and high schoolers spend their time getting high off the previously mention cheap weed and having unprotected sex in the back of their lifted trucks (see above). Teen pregnancy is quite high considering the relatively small size of the town.

Person1: hey want to go do something tonight?
Person2: we live in tehachapi...
Person1: I meant do you want to make babies?
Person2: oh yeah sure, i thought you meant do something fun

👍367 👎179

Tehachapi - slang

The most stupid fucking town on planet earth where most fuck boys are created and where the term fuck boy was originated and eventually spread to the rest of the world most fuck boys from tehachapi drive lifted trucks and screw a different bitch every night. The term "cheap weed" comes from because thats all that fuck bous smoke

Tehachapi fucking sucks ass

👍39 👎23