Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Smanging?

To "Smash" and "Bang" during a sexual encounter. This is a particular maneuver used during the act of sex when the man doing the "Smanging" is unable to provide full satisfaction to their female partner during the course of his normal sexual routine. Normally causes a permanent bowing of the legs and a partially permanent vision impairment if done correctly.

The first time we made love she did not feel much and I cried so this time I will have to Smang her.

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Smanging - meme gif

Smanging meme gif

Smanging - video


Smanging - what is it?

The baddest, thicccqest, sexiest, most amazing bitch you know. Also known as Angelina.

Smange your ass looks so fat today!

👍25 👎11

What does "Smanging" mean?

That hot chick always WASTED at the party. Most times wears a drinking hat (otherwise known as the "Hat Girl" before knowing the real smange). This girl swears a lot! and also doesnt give a FUCK ... A LOT! She will out smoke you in bongs and, depending on your talents, kick yo ass in beerpong.

You could also find this girl passed out at the end of the night in a totally random location!

yo that chick must have been SMANGED last night, she broke her cell phone with a skateboard!!

👍95 👎59

Smanging - what does it mean?

basically a combination of smash and bang as a verb, to describe sex or the motion of sex. From my knowlege it came from a song "Lemme Smang it" by Yung Humma ft Flynt Flossy of Turquoise Jeep Records. The song is on youtube and Itunes. There is a specific dance which is also associated with word, as seen in the video.

that girl is fine, I just want to smang it to the moon.

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Smanging - meaning

Smash-Bang Fusion

Lemme smang it girl...

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Smanging - definition

A vague term that can mean anything sexual.

L: That Jon guy keeps looking at me...
A: He totally wants to smange you.

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Smanging - slang

the fusion of smashing and banging born in the catalyst of aggressive fucking. to ferociously penetrate your partner while bending her over a balcony during spring break.

Dude, last night I was smanging this chick so hard we broke the bed.

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1. smashing and banging at the same damn time

2. smashing it and then continuing to bang it all in one motion.

"Let me SMANG it girl"

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A combination of "smash" and "bang." Popularized by the artist Yung Humma, smang is a euphemism for a particularly rigorous and pleasurable episode of sexual intercourse.

Lemme smang it girl, smash it and bang.

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Either a verb, or an adjective

credits to: ricky and uh llama

Adj. Ex.

Person 1: "Wow, this food is Smanging!"
Person 2: "What the fuck is Smanging?"

Verb Ex.

Person 1: "Don't you just love Smanging your thang?
Person 2: "What the fuck is Smanging?"

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