Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Slithery?

when you have a giant penis that isnt hard so it just flops around like a slithery snake

dude im getting fucked by a slithery snakey

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Slithery - meme gif

Slithery meme gif

Slithery - video


Slithery - what is it?

a snake

Holy shit look at that huge slithery tube dude

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What does "Slithery" mean?

The opposite for bitch, slithery male fish. Basically used to insult a dumb individual who identifies as a male.

Y/N : Why are you acting so retarded? Are you a Slithery male fish? You fucker.

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Slithery - what does it mean?

Slightly high; the weed equivalent of being β€œtipsy” on alcohol.

D: Yo, are you feeling it?
S: I’m not quite high yet, just a bit *slithery*

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Slithery - meaning

A Slithery Snake is when a baby snake climbs up a mans urethra and then pisses it back out and the snake says "I'm a slithery little snake!"

Lukas has a slithery snake.

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Slithery - definition

A snake

Watch out bro it’s a really poisonous Slithery Boi

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Slithery - slang

Someone who is known to be nouns such as banwagons double crossers liers and Cheaters

Dude Kevin Durant is such a Slithery snake for going to golden state

Yo Doug told Amanda that I fucked Lisa he’s such a slithery snake

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deviant and/or filthy sexual conduct

After I left my boring date, I went to the strip bar and got myself into some slithery.

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That feeling when you're ready for bed after hitting a heavy indica. You can almost feel your bed and blankets surrounding you before you get in.

"Bro im getting super slithery, I'm gunna crash"

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