Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Shit that hell?

Used for relieving excruciating pain after experiencing a catastrophic shin-to-coffee-table injury or other similar anatomical disasters. Usually hollered very loud.

OW OW OW Shit Fuck Damn Piss Hell Balls On Chin.
Who put that table there?

👍53 👎17

Shit that hell - video


Shit that hell - what is it?

A phrase known to be used for dry churros.

"I was sittin there in pizza hut and I looked down at my churros and thought to myself "DAamN Ii'll bE CHoKen oN tHaT sHit lOooKEn dRY aS HeLL"

👍27 👎11

What does "Shit that hell" mean?

When something totally unexpected or messed up happens, this would be the appropriate way to react.

When a random flying unicorn dies from the impact of crashing into your garage, you would say: "Holy Fucking Shit What the Hell was That?"

Or after watching Oprah for the first time, at the end you would say: "Holy Fucking Shit What the Hell was That?"

👍71 👎27

Shit that hell - what does it mean?

The worst hell in existence and home of the Shit Devil.

What deems a person worthy of being thrown into Shit Hell is purely subjective.

Karl: "Turns out I'm gay."
Josh: "Also turns out you're going to Shit Hell."

Ethan: "If you don't put Jason Christ into your heart, you'll go to hell, and if you don't allow Ted Haggard to dip his tip, you'll go straight down to Shit Hell."
Jesse: "And if I marry outside of my race?"
Ethan: "Shit Hell."

Jasper: "I broke the law by going 57 in a 55."
Tommy: "You'll be hanging out with the Shit Devil soon enough for that!"

👍35 👎17

Shit that hell - meaning

Conjunction of the words "shit" and "hell", created and used almost exclusively(as of this writing) in Winter Haven, Florida. Basically like saying "Shit!", but with a "hell" on the end for added effect.

Gavin: "Did you see the size of that hickey Brandy just gave Chandler?"

Ethan: "Shit hell! It was massive, bro!"

👍45 👎23

Shit that hell - definition

When your asshole produces a 2 inch wide, 2 foot long or longer turd. The whole process takes about half an hour and causes multiple veins in the butthole to burst, with severe amounts of blood dripping from the asshole. The turd itself refuses to come out as anything other than a long, solid turd.

Person 1: What the fuck took you so long, dude?
Person 2: I'm sorry. I just went through shit hell. I had to wait another half hour just to stop the bleeding.
Person 1 takes off hat and bows head

👍39 👎13

Shit that hell - slang

"A term used in the occasion of something unusual, unexpected or unlucky. Often when someone is hurt or something shocking happens

Example 1: (man drops plate and it breaks) Shitting Hell! i just broke that plate !.

Example 2:Person 1 : BOO

Person 2 : ahhh shitting hell u made me jump !

Example 3: Shitting hell! steve just got Munched !

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Shit that hell

When you eat McDonald's, Taco Bell, and Chinese Food all in one day and the end product is The Screaming shits from hell

Dude I got the screaming shits from hell last night

👍27 👎11

Shit that hell

When you have Diarrhea or something fucked up in your stomach and when you take a shit your asshole is on fire. Usually takes a while for it to subside.

Holy shit! My asshole is on fire like the pits of hell. This is totally a shit from hell!

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Shit that hell

A term of frustration or anger. Used in dire times.

Shit that hell, bitch we are screwed if we don't get there on time.

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