Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Shit Tickets?

square of soft paper used to remove feces from one's anus.

The men's restroom did not have enough shit tickets to clean my ass!.

👍51 👎17

Shit Tickets - video


Shit Tickets - what is it?

a piece of toilet paper

"I need to wipe my ass, but I'm all out of shit tickets!"

👍87 👎23

What does "Shit Tickets" mean?

one uses to wipe with after going to the bathroom

Did you get the shit tickets because i got to go to the show

👍119 👎29

Shit Tickets - what does it mean?

Toilet paper, usually single ply but sometimes multi-ply.

I have to go to the store and buy some shit tickets

👍79 👎19

Shit Tickets - meaning

euphemism for toilet paper

Hey man, you're outta shit tickets. How's about runnin' to the store real quick? I can't get up.

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Shit Tickets - definition

Toilet Paper. Usually the cheap crap that they give you at work.

I had an awful case of Green Apple Quickstep but ran outta Shit Tickets.

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Shit Tickets - slang

Toilet Tissue/Toilet Paper... plain and simple.

I'm going to be in here for a while, we're outta godamn shit tickets

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Shit Tickets

Another word for Toilet Paper. Also known as "Asswipe" (pronounced As-weep-eh)

Mark (from inside the bathroom): HONEY! GET ME MORE SHIT TICKETS!

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Shit Tickets

The common house hold tolite paper

I need to buy more shit tickets

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Shit Tickets

A term used when you run out of toilet paper or, halfway through a shit realize that there is none there.

DAMMIT!!! I'm out of SHIT TICKETS again!

👍41 👎19