Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Seree?

The most beautiful, cutiest girl in the world. Literally lovable at the every moment. You won't find better girl at anywhere.

Seree is the best gift ever I've got.

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Seree - meme gif

Seree meme gif

Seree - video


Seree - what is it?

my amazing best friend who is sadly a furry has a crush on lil huddy and is british

have you seen twinklesereishere/sere?? Yeah she has a crush on lil huddy

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What does "Seree" mean?

Verb /sɪə/
To see or read a online message someone has written. Because who else is confused about whether to say "I read" or "I saw" or "I heard" when they serd the message already in that chat.

Present participle: sering /seər.rɪŋ/
Past tense: serd /sɜ d/
Past participle: sern /sɜ n/

Did you sere what they said about your mum on discord?

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Seree - what does it mean?


Hey I’m luke sere. Nice to meet ya

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Seree - meaning

when your boobs are falling out of your shirt, usually purposely but on accident as well, and you need to pull up your cami/undershirt to hide them.

Hey, your sereing fix that and pull up your shirt hoe.

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Seree - definition

Interjection. Pronounced "seh." To call attention to obvious stupidity or poor attempts at humor. Saying "sere" is often accompanied by a hand gesture, making a circle with your thumb and forefinger.

You are stuck in an elevator with two other people, and one of them says "have you we reached the 3000 lb maximum weight limit?"

Because this comment is retarded, it would deserve a sere.

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Seree - slang

A short form for the word serious. Used because of laziness, or because it's just that much cooler than saying serious.

Person one: Is that right?

Person two: Yah, I'm totally sere!

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SERE, Survival, Evasion, Resistance to Interrogation and Escape. It is a course conducted by all the services to prepare specific servicemen to the conditions they will encounter during enemy capture, and what they must do to evade( avoid) capture.

SERE is one of the most intense combat readiness courses of the United States Armed Forces.

SERE is one of the most intense combat readiness courses of the United States Armed Forces.

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S.E.R.E. (Survive Evade Resist Escape) is an intense top-secret US military training program created by the USAF in which soldiers are left in an undisclosed area, without support.

They must first survive the crash using 'survival' techniques.
Then they evade the hostiles that come to inspect the crash,
When they get captured, they must resist the torture/interrigation,
And finally, they must escape the area.

Sarge said Brian was ready for SERE. I hope he did better than the last two guys, PFC Jenkins and PVT Leeroy.

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A rare African name, related to an exotic and rare flower.
A smart and beautiful girl that loves to laugh. She's energetic and very fun to be around. At first she's shy or maybe appear to be rude and have RBF but when you get to know her, she's nothing like you would think. Sere may not be the most popular but people adore her. Some guys are even intimidated by her beauty. She can be very insecure (even though she has no reason to be) and will rely on people to help her gain confidence. She is a loyal and helpful friend. She will always be there for you to help you feel better and solve your problems. Sere is very trustworthy if you have a strong relationship with her.

There goes Sere, look at her smile

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