Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SWEEZY?

to be under the influence of weed, alcohol, adderall and or coke

"damnnnnn i was so sweezy last night YO!"

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SWEEZY - meme gif

SWEEZY meme gif

SWEEZY - video


SWEEZY - what is it?

To live by your own rules; Do what u want to do; Drink, smoke, and take anything to get you fucked up!; Having no regrets; living life by the moment.

Doctor," You should really keep it easy." Person " Man fuck you Doc im keepin it SWEEZY!"

"I am so sweezd right now!"

👍37 👎31

What does "SWEEZY" mean?

The meaning of Sweezie is when something is just in the middle.

“Oh Jake this chicken is so fucking sweezie man!”

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SWEEZY - what does it mean?

adj - sweet, awesome, a combination of sweet and easy

that show was off the chain...yeah, it was sweezy

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SWEEZY - meaning

A sandwich made by placing a York Peppermint Patty between two thick pieces of cheddar cheese. The name comes from the fact that the sandwich is both sweet and cheesy.

"This sweezy tastes terrible!"

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SWEEZY - definition

A popular word for the Swine Flu. Sweezy is spread by pigs and now humans. Since Jews are alergic to pork they are kosher to it and have an immunity.

Dude did you hear that sweezy is spreading like wild fire to all them mexicans.

Dude that chick has sweezy stay away from her pig rolls.

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SWEEZY - slang

flu symptoms associated with touching, kissing, licking, or getting coughed on by a pig. The pig flu

We thought Coop had meningitis, but it was a hella serious case of the sweezy.

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It can mean anything you want it to mean but it mostly means 'dope' cool'. Also this word was revived in 2027-2018 by Jade hood.

That girl , she's fucking sweezy! I'm too lame to hit her up.

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The essence of life. Also, cool.

Let's get sweezy shlammerred tonight!

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A word that 'cool' people will use to describe something being awesome/peng/grade/piff/sick/wonderful etc.
Everyone can use the word, even if you're white and skinny..

If used correctly, it can shift to be used in many different situations..

I saw him last night.. His body was totally peng.. Sweezy!

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