Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SKEE?

1. A whore.

2. A slutty person, but not necessarily literally a slut.

A whore
A slut
A skank
A prostitute
A who

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SKEE - meme gif

SKEE meme gif

SKEE - video


SKEE - what is it?

for use after sexual words.

Instead of saying handjob you would say handskees. Instead of saying blowjob you say blowskees etc.

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What does "SKEE" mean?

It’s not a hoe,slut or whore it’s what black people frm β€œva” call each other

Aye skee u tryn slide to the crib?
Look at lil skee over there

Ard I see u skee

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SKEE - what does it mean?

The incorrect spelling of Skeet

Skeet Skeet Skeet!

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SKEE - meaning

The cops, similar to the terms 'pigs' and 'fuzz',
Short for the cop "starsky" of Starsky and Hutch fame.

To all skee skee mo'fuckas....
-lil john

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SKEE - definition

"Skee" is used by "Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz" and "Ying Yang Twins" in their most famous song "Get Low". It means to ejaculate all over every bitch in "Da Club".

1)"To all SKEE SKEE motha fucka,
To all skee skee got dam" (Get Low)
2) SKEE SKEE, awh shit bitch, I'll go get you some towels.

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SKEE - slang

Skees skeez; suffix;
noun, verb, adjective... Read More... Read More

1. a suffix that inherently makes any word Epic and/or Awesome

est. 1994; Benicia, California.

also see: nuh, rick, late, ming, beeesh, et al.

"Mike is going to San Diegskees tomorrow."

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skee (or skee skee skee) is not a whore, slut,or woman at all it is semen or cum and the act of shooting it on a chick.

yo last night brenda sucked me up and i was all skee skee on her face haha

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the act of ejaculating

That's the kind of ho that makes you skee skee skee

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Sperm. stuff that comes out of yo dick. nut juice. pimp juice

Den i Skee It All In Her Throat, den a nigga had to go
-Ying Yang Twins

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