Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SKEE SKEE?

Tribal yelling of the sacred brampton mans named jascarn, usually before a "heated fight"

"YEE YEE SKEE SKEE", yelled jascarn

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SKEE SKEE - video


SKEE SKEE - what is it?

When somebody is looking mighty fine!

Man he's lookin' good! Skee Skee Whoo!

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What does "SKEE SKEE" mean?

A man or a woman who hook up with multiple people within a 24 hour span.

Alex: Damn, did you hear what Lisa did last night?
Jenna: Nah, what did she do?
Alex: She hooked up wiith 3 boys, 2 of them she didn't know, and 2 of them were best friends.

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SKEE SKEE - what does it mean?

the act of ejaculating

That's the kind of ho that makes you skee skee skee

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SKEE SKEE - meaning

To cap the white folks

skeet shoting

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SKEE SKEE - definition

The cops, similar to the terms 'pigs' and 'fuzz',
Short for the cop "starsky" of Starsky and Hutch fame.

To all skee skee mo'fuckas....
-lil john

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SKEE SKEE - slang

Sperm. stuff that comes out of yo dick. nut juice. pimp juice

Den i Skee It All In Her Throat, den a nigga had to go
-Ying Yang Twins

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