Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Relationshit?

When a mutual hatred of one another is the reason for your incredible friendship.

Jack: Douche bag.

James: You're such a prick.

Jack: We have the most amazing relationshit.

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Relationshit - what is it?

A relationshit is typically defined as a relationship that you are hanging on to, something that makes you feel like shit and you know it but still hang on to it for reasons unknown or known.

A relationshit is also when both involved are screaming at each other all the time and know it's best to go separate ways but both are too lazy to make a proper break.

Relationshit is a state of affairs of a rather desperate, sad situation between two people.

It can also be used to describe relationships as a whole, which are usually rubbish because of all the shit, hence relationshits.

I've been in this relationshit for 5 years now and I have never been so unhappy.

Relationshits can go fuck themselves.

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What does "Relationshit" mean?

1. A relationship that has gone horribly wrong.

2. What Dane Cook likes to call his relationships.

"John why don't you just break up with that bitch, your going through a relationshit!"

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Relationshit - what does it mean?

Awkward conversations about past relationships or issues in a current relationship.

Example 1
Jim: Wow, Stacey and I were talking last night and she started going on and on about communication, being open with my feelings and all that crap!

Larry: Man, don't you hate it when chicks bring up all that relationshit!

Example 2
Laura: Kevin and I got into it about how his ex was more touchy, feely than I am. I can't stand this relationshit!

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Relationshit - meaning

When a relationship takes a turn to the dark side

I am glad to be out of that long distance Relationshit

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Relationshit - definition

A relationship that was/is worth nothing. Its not going anywhere. The kind of relationship you wouldn't count as one.

Quaray : "So how are you and Mark doing?"
Tandee :"ughh.......Its such a relationshit!!"

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Relationshit - slang

A relationship that's lacking in all properties of your typical relationship and has become shit to deal with and be in.
Originated by Kady not knowing how to type.

'I'm sick and tired of staying with Bob. I'm getting out of this relationshit.'

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A relationship type situation with no trust or any of the components of a real "relationship".

:So how is your relationship going?

You mean my relationshit? I think Im about to call it quits, i just can't deal with him anymore.

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a romantic relationship which is dragged to fuck.

i broke up after 2 years of relationshit!

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A relationship with a significant other that has gone sour and both parties are too scared and/or lazy to call it quits.

I'm stuck in a crappy relationshit with Jenny.

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