Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ROSCOE?

The act of slapping someone face with an erect penis.

After I finished I roscoed that bitch with more power than a left hook from Tyson.

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ROSCOE - what is it?

another name for a gun

Pookie got a roscoe he finna take out 2short

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What does "ROSCOE" mean?

1.A very large penis

2.The act of slapping a girl with your penis during oral sex.

3. Just a great fucking name

1.See now thats a roscoe.

2.I roscoed her.

3. I'm a roscoe, so fuck you.

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ROSCOE - what does it mean?

A boring ass town in the country that has nothing to do besides the Mini Put place and Dairy Queen. The town officials need to put things for people to do in town.

Shirland, Rockton, and Roscoe are the most boring towns in Northern Illinois

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ROSCOE - meaning

The art of trying to swiftly cock-block a group of guys.

"I was trying to hook up with some broad last night, until I was Roscoed by some hater."

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ROSCOE - definition

When a man slaps a woman in the face with his wang and leaves a phallic shaped bruise on their face.

After I jizzed in her hair I give her such a rosco that she cried.

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ROSCOE - slang

a nother term for either a pistol or a penis

" sorry, just gotta adjust my rosco"

" shit, man, don't do that in here!"

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A gun, pistol, or firearm

I keep my Roscoe on me just in case trouble approaches

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An old term used for a gun or firearm, usually a handgun or sidearm.

"Had me scared, had me scared, I was shook Daddy - but I forget I had my Roscoe on me."
-Notorious B.I.G.

"Hey man, you better cock that Roscoe, here comes trouble."

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old (30s-40s) term for a handgun: same vintage as gat, heater, cannon, etc.

He pulled a roscoe and ventilated the gorilla.

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