Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Privi?

A penis; a genitalia of a male. Used by Aristophanes in β€œAristophanes’ Speech from Plato’s Symposium”.

And second place, the primeval man was round, is back and sides for me circle; and get for hands and the same number of feet, one head with two faces, looking opposite ways, set on a round neck and precisely alike; four ears, to Privy members, and the remainder to correspond

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Privi - meme gif

Privi meme gif

Privi - video


Privi - what is it?


a party in the public toilette stalls. usually consisting of two guys shitting, with excess farting and giggling. makes an excuse for two guys to go to the batroom at the same time and not look excessivly homosexual.

Dude: "man i gotta take a wicked shit"
Guy: "yeah man me too, its poking out like a turtle"
Dude: "let go have a privy party, we'll stank up the bathroom together"

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What does "Privi" mean?

Privy members--
Third leg

Sex organ ;)

Bertha: "That man has the biggest privy member I have ever seen. His privy member made me happy. I slept with him three times today and his privy member gave me herpes. I love his privy member."
Betty: "no"

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Privi - what does it mean?

Something a bitch would say

They are privy to it

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Privi - meaning

a highly ambiguous phrase that can be used much like the word "Smurf" among the smurfs, with its deriviatives taking on other parts of speech. Privy is often used to describe something that is exceedingly cool.

1. Man, did you see when that bird shat in that guys mouth? It was so privy.

2. Check out Privy McPrivyson, Privying down the privy slide.

3. If you're privy to the privy, then privy on over to the council of the priviest bunch of muthaprivers you ever privied with.

4. eB: i shall write LOL
eB: hell, even LOLZ
eB: actually, it should now be POL
eB: privy out loud

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Privi - definition

private schooler, one who attend(-s/-ed) a private school; usually derogatory

*don't shoot the messenger*

hey, you see calvin? he's a privi

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Privi - slang

A lavatory in a shed or other small building outside the house.

When you've finished reading a newspaper, you can tear it up and hang it from a nail in the privy. You can't do that with on-line editions.

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1. Made a participant in knowledge of something private or secret: was privy to classified information. 2. Belonging or proper to a person, such as the British sovereign, in a private rather than official capacity. 3. Secret; concealed.

Inflected forms: pl.privΒ·ies 1. a. An outdoor toilet; an outhouse. b. A toilet. 2. Law One of the parties having an interest in the same matter.
Middle English prive, from Old French, from Latin pr*v*tus, private, from pr*vus, single, alone; see per1 in Indo-European roots.

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Toilet, outhouse, crapper, water closet

Does this campground have a privy?

I've seen cleaner privies in a refugee camp!

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A collective noun for a group of assholes.

Sitting at the bar was an entire privy of assholes.

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