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What is Pee in her butt?

The notification of a girl being so hot that you would like to take a piss in her ass

Mark: ballzy id pee in her butt

ballzy:yea and people in maine are gay and didnt make that phrase up

👍177 👎533

Pee in her butt - video


Pee in her butt - what is it?

A term that is especially common in Maine. Used by a guy to express a desire to have sex with a girl he sees.

I would pee in her butt anyday.

👍185 👎545

What does "Pee in her butt" mean?

a fine girl

db: did you see that girl?
JWest: yeah, i'd pee in her butt

👍159 👎311

Pee in her butt - what does it mean?

A euphemism for expressing interest in sexual intercourse with a person.

*Attractive Woman walks by* Dude, I would totally pee in her butt.

Would you pee in her butt? Definitely bro, all night long.

👍275 👎413

Pee in her butt - meaning

1. A girl is so hot that you would gladly pee in her butt.
2. A girl is so mediocre you would rather pee in her butt,

Damn, look at her. I would so pee in her butt,

👍545 👎875

Pee in her butt - definition

The extent of relationship advice that most GameFAQs users can give

1: "I really need help. There's this girl I really like, but I can't get her to notice me. What do I do?"
2: "Pee in her butt!"

👍563 👎775

Pee in her butt - slang

A term used between men to state they would like to have sex with a girl if they could.

Buck: "Look at the nice round ass on that skank."

Big Papi: "Oh yeah! I'd pee in her butt."

👍1657 👎359

Pee in her butt

to have sex with or want to have sex with a female. Phrase used amongs men.

a hot chick is seen or mentioned.. "Yeah, bro I'd totally pee in her butt!"

👍31 👎387

Pee in her butt

slang term describing the art of screwing the brains out of a lady (who is commonly very attractive in nature)

dude 1: holy crap dude , look at her hoo hoo's
dude 2: oh yeah man , i'd definately pee in her butt.

👍97 👎445

Pee in her butt

The phrase, coined by one who goes by Kaz. (Cerca 2003), was initially the most degrading act that could be done to a woman. The phrase has recently evolved into a complement to an attractive young lady.

I'd pee in her butt.

👍97 👎445