Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Oiling up?

my favorite thing in the whole world

i do love me some oiled up big black guys

👍151 👎59

Oiling up - video


Oiling up - what is it?

To Put oil on ones body in a sexual way

He was oiling up while we were getting intimate

👍43 👎33

What does "Oiling up" mean?

To get beat down profusely in a fight.

Keep talkin' smack, fool! You're 'bout to get oiled up!

👍95 👎55

Oiling up - what does it mean?

1. Something you say right before inserting something into someone. (There are many different contexts to this word. You can use it if your teacher is gonna destroy you for a next test, or literally)

2. If you are going to get into a fight with someone and you are really gonna fuck them up.

1. Mr. Tang is really going to oil up for this next test.

2. I am going to oil up your face so hard you are going to want to cry.

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Oiling up - meaning

To Put oil on ones body in a sexual way

He was oiling up while we fucked

👍89 👎21

Oiling up - definition

To become "well lubricated" consuming alcoholic beverages. To get boozey.

I like to drink a few Miller Lites, get oiled up, and crank up my favorite classic rock jams.

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Oiling up - slang

The act of lubricating oneself in oil before sex to minimise friction.

Ian oiled up before inviting Phillip round for a game of nude charades.

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