Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mumba?

Mumba is a marshmallow.

Mumba is roasted.
Let's roast this Mumba.

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Mumba - meme gif

Mumba meme gif

Mumba - video


Mumba - what is it?

Them big ass african black tittays. I dont mean what you see around the street, I mean them humungo tittys you see in that national geographics shit! What makes you yell out, "Whoa motha fucka! Those are some big mumba jumba tittayyyyys!".

link to mumba jumbas

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What does "Mumba" mean?

1) An incredibly whack e-mailer
2) A person who was once 'holier than thou' but is now simply 'more sloppy than thou'
3) A modern-day John Rolfe
4) A synonym for 'dalmation'
5) Someone who is so bored during break that they spend hours searching for mildly funny things related to their friends' names but never realizes that he/she can just create their own joke

1) Do you think there's anyone in the club that didn't already know 'ralph' was a synonym for 'barf'? That e-mail was so whack it must have been from Big Mumba

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Mumba - what does it mean?

When you snap someone in the balls with two of your fingers shaped like a Snake Fangs

Look at Happy Boy he just got a Black Mumba

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Mumba - meaning

The dance woody harrelson's charcter performs in zombieland.

Dang, that guy can really chicken mumba

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Mumba - definition

A large african penis that curles onto your leg.

Mr.Boyle hurt his leg because of his huge black gigantic mumba that was going to penetrate moyo.

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Mumba - slang

A fake unrealistic person who’s a butt

Temi is such a mumba. He thinks he’s a unicorn.

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The most amazing potato in the world

Wow, Mumba is soh cool.

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The Mumba is an introduced species to Australia known to prey on anything with a heartbeat. It has harnessed the power of the darkness as a weapon and, unlike the Mamba, can spit it's venom. There are also unconfirmed accounts of it being able to use the victims own tears as a weapon against them. But alas no one has retained their mental faculties after an attack to confirm the rumour. Also has been known to emit a hissing sound after an attack, but never before.

"Why is Byron cowering in a fetal position and speaking gibberish?" "It's cause he's just been attacked by the Mumba" 'Sssss, sssss'

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