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What is Meekins?

When you do the heimlich on someone when they’re choking on fried pickles and they pee on you and you realize that’s your kind.

β€œsong she did a modified meekins and I came”

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Meekins - what is it?

To do something--ie, run track, play steel drums, or contribute to a screenplay--with great stealth. Often better than anyone expected.

Next thing you knew, her husband was coming in the door. I was sneakin like Meekins.

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What does "Meekins" mean?

A minor celebrity in Canada, most known for being a musician, but is also known as a comedian, and has made television appearances on programs such as County and was an extra in an episode of Smallville. His music (In Spades) has been featured in programs such as Smallville, County, Entourage, and CSI New York.

Singer of In Spades.

Was rated badboy number 6 of 10 on Underground magazine's "Naught but Nice, The Badboys of 2010"

I went to Zachary Meekins' comedy set the other night, it was great!

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Meekins - what does it mean?

A sick rapper who's released 3 mixtapes. Most recently, 1993 which is a sweet tape. His fanbase is #lamp city and they are the best fans ever.

Dude did you hear that new Cam Meekins track? It was dope

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Meekins - meaning

1. To start, but not finish something.

I had a lot of homework to do last night...I only did half of it, I need to stop meekin.

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Meekins - definition

The act of hating on an individual.

Man, why you meekin' so much on me?

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Meekins - slang

To royally fuck someone over. To act like a deadbeat. To claim you can do something but know you can't. A bullshitter. A loser.

"Nick claimed he could raise the money, I believed in him... but in the end, he Meekins'd me."

"Oh he'll never pay you, he's a Meekins."

"I would not trust him, you might as well be down on all fours, because he will just Meekins you in the ass."

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