Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Marjan?

A person who has reached platinum rank in valorant


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Marjan - meme gif

Marjan meme gif

Marjan - video


Marjan - what is it?

noun - A woman of unparalleled grace, charm, beauty, wit, and eloquence; a dime piece; a keeper. A 10 who thinks she's a 6 because of either unintelligible and unnecessary modesty that borders on insanity or a model upbringing and genuine wholesome goodness.

I was at the bar last night and I saw this fucking gorgeous woman. I went up to her, expecting the usual eye-roll 'too good for you' bullshit, but found out she was a total marjan after we talked for an hour about everything from the politics of Western Africa to the Los Angeles Lakers. God, I'm in love...

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What does "Marjan" mean?

If you are lucky enough to be named Marjane, you happen to be one of the fliest and baddest girls around. Marjane’s are known to be beautiful, extremely loyal, intelligent and kindhearted. The name is Arab, meaning pearl or is also referred to as a flaming red coral. But every man who has ever met a Marjane knows diamonds are more her thing.

She is so cute! Her name must be Marjane.

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Marjan - what does it mean?

When you fail your last hifz soboq

Hakim just failed his last hifz lesson, he did a Marjan

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Marjan - meaning

Marjan is the most sexiest girl on the planet if you see her your eyes will be filled with love and affection

Wow she’s gorgeous that’s a Marjan

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Marjan - definition

A short nigga that likes to eat cock she also invades earth every 30 years for prime dildos

"Oh no short nigga marjan"

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Marjan - slang

Marjan the prettiest girl I know. That is ma fckn Wifey. Ugly ass mf, she a 10

Marjan is ma slime

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Most elite and superior being to ever exist. They stand at a higher power than god.

Alex: I must go pray to dear Marjan before our supper darling!
Lucy: I bow down to the Marjan

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1)The act of making an unintelligent blunder (verb)

2)A person who tries to communicate with people at unreasonable volume in corridors or buildings etc(noun)

1)"Oh dear, look who's done a Marjan".
2)"That girl is SUCH a marjan".

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A handsome fit and muscular lad. Very playful and but his games can easily turn into something else 😏. He has a kind and sensitive heart and will reply to everyone.

Girl 1: omg Marjan looks so fit
Girl 2: my pussy gets so wet for him

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