Definder - what does the word mean?

What is PLAT?

The sound being made from skin slapping skin during intercouse.

I'm gonna give her the PLAT!

👍131 👎83

PLAT - meme gif

PLAT meme gif

PLAT - video


PLAT - what is it?

platform shoes

many people in Seattle wear plats

👍55 👎23

What does "PLAT" mean?

Short for platinum

dat aint plat dats just silver

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PLAT - what does it mean?

hair that has been braided or twisted.

That lil girl has a lot of plats in her head.

👍127 👎55

PLAT - meaning

Blames there teammates for everything and thinks there a Grand champ

LunaWolfTV : Go for the ball
Thicc : you suck, you shit plat

👍51 👎17

PLAT - definition

formally called The Belmont Plateau -in fairmont park, philadelphia: it looks like a regular picnic area overlooking the city, but on weekends you will always find at least 100 people and at least 2 kegs there in the spring. without a doubt one of the best party spot's in the philly

yo i heard there was gonna be 3 kegs at the plat tonight

👍97 👎31

PLAT - slang

Pussy that is so tight and fabulous, it's beyond lined with gold. It is short for "platinum lined" pussy. It is known to keep the man coming back for more, like a pussy hex.

"Oooh that pussy was plat-plat, I just couldn't keep myself from comin back fo mo."

"Stomach on flat-flat, and yo, pussy on plat-plat"

👍43 👎13


An acronym used to describe a plump, lifted, athletic, and toned ass

ass booty bum butt tush donk rear-end caboose

Damn dude, Rebecka must have been doing more squats lately cause that ass is plat.

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Parked Like A Twat

Katrina - “That guy PLAT!”
Martin - “ Yeah, that guy really PLAT.”

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Peace, Love, And, Tits.

All we want is PLAT..
Alright hun TTYL, PLAT.

👍51 👎35