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What is short nigga?

Short nigga syndrome is when someone is really ugly, short, and can’t get any bad bitches

Look I think Gibbit has short nigga syndrome

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short nigga - video


Short nigga - what is it?

No male shall have a bitch shorter than themselves.

Isaiah is 4’11 but is with a girl that’s over 5 foot that is a no no. That’s against the Short Nigga Code

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What does "short nigga" mean?

Short Nigga Syndrome, only applies to guys named Caleb because Caleb is a short person name.

Caleb has Short Nigga Syndrome

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Short nigga - what does it mean?

The dying need for a short nigga to appear more masculine or bold, giving the false reality that ur better than everyone else.

"aye bruh why he always be talking crazy?"

"oh him, he got short nigga syndrome."

"what's that?"

"basically his ego dont match his body"

"Oooooh dang, thats sad bro"

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Short nigga - meaning

A type of gay niggas that like to invade earth every 30 years because they run low on short nigga dildos

"Oh no hide our dildos short niggas are invading"

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