Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Maintainer?

To make a token phonecall or some other token effort to show your lady that you are always thinking of her whilst embarking on a 24 hour session.

Fancy another beer mate?
Err yeah but give me a minute. I need to maintain while I'm still capable

👍81 👎199

Maintainer - meme gif

Maintainer meme gif

Maintainer - video


Maintainer - what is it?

The kind of guy who expresses great interest, flirts, dishes out sexual innuendo, but never actually follows through in getting to know a girl. Maintains just enough contact that she doesn't forget who he is.

"Hey, I heard from that gym guy today."
"The one you had that one drink with six weeks ago??"
"Yeah, he texted me!"
"Did he ask you out?"
"No, but he asked me if I was watching the game tonight."
"Did he invite you to watch it with him?"
" . . . . No?"
"Girl, block his number. He's never gonna follow through. He's just a maintainer."

👍33 👎21

What does "Maintainer" mean?

To calm down
To chill
To relax

Goon1: Im so angryyyyy
Goon2: Just maintain

👍37 👎13

Maintainer - what does it mean?

to keep up or carry on drinking for hours and hours. To keep in an existing state; preserve or retain consciousness after much intoxication. Maintaining!

Maintaining:we are going to maintain tonight, no shots.

Holy F**k I maintained last night, I really should be dead after all i drank.

👍51 👎23

Maintainer - meaning

To trim and/or shave one's pubic hair.

Jane had a date with Timmy on Friday night; on Thursday, she took a long, hot shower and maintained what had become her forested guntal area.

👍197 👎105

Maintainer - definition

v. to successfully keep up with the psychological and physical demands of a drug habit, but to do no more than that.

"how you doing?"

"maintaining, I guess"

👍97 👎39

Maintainer - slang

1. (v.) to be of sound mind; to have a situation under control.

"All of my bills are overdue, but I'm maintaining."

👍121 👎37


To keep your composure even in the most adverse and drunken circumstance.

Dude I need to maintain or I won't make it to the next bar.

👍847 👎241


keeping your cool no matter what happens. used in keeping a certain way about you.

"maintaining rock-on status"

👍143 👎35


A highly skilled Airman charged with the task of fixing what a pilot does to a perfectly good aircraft.

That maintainers gonna be pissed when we bring this plane back in.

👍101 👎25