Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Kroneful?

One of the two adults the rebellion trusts. She used to work for the demons but now works for the rebellion with Bex (Raymond) .

Person A: are there any decent adults in The Shaken Neverland (TSN) ?
Person B: Yeah, Krone and Bex (Raymond) .

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Kroneful - meme gif

Kroneful meme gif

Kroneful - video


Kroneful - what is it?

Another valorant youtuber that people won't shut the fuck up about
Originally known as Throneful

Me: *punches Kroneful*
Kroneful: *punches back*
Valorant: Kroneful has killed you with Fists!

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What does "Kroneful" mean?

Krone/Drako has a praise and sir kink, he is also gay for peepaw (Bo Burnham)

oh i know that guy Krone/Drako, he’s such a simp for peepaw and has a praise and sir kink….sussy he’s also gay

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Kroneful - what does it mean?

It is a slang word used in Vampire LARPS, When someone has been used, exployted or abused buy Kron on one way or a other

You have just been Kroned!!!!

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Kroneful - meaning

a better way of spelling crony or cronie

def: good friend. old friend.

that niggas been my kronee fo life

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Kroneful - definition

A leaky hamster.

That person is such a krone.

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Kroneful - slang

"It's a slang word used in the Steel Industry, when someone has been thrown under the bus, had their accomplishments stolen, or done double or even triple the work due to piss poor trouble shooting by the Kron. "

Shit, shawn kroned me again

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A slang term used by industrial maintenance workers to describe a situation caused by an overconfident, underperforming co-worker.

Dangit bob, we've been kroned again...

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