Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Kooter?

The indefinable mystic system of justice that allows guys to get with girls way out of their league. Usually gained from faithful acts towards ungrateful girlfriends.

I spent three years with that girl and she treated me like crap. I'm due some kooter-karma.

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Kooter - video


Kooter - what is it?

A social occasion made up of mostly females.
Opposite of sausage fest

This place is such a kooter farm!

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What does "Kooter" mean?

a huge chubby vagina.

I bet that girl has a huge muffin kooter cause she fat and ugleh.

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Kooter - what does it mean?

to consume a copious amount of alcoholic beverages.



Its time to get kootered!

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Kooter - meaning

The process of discharging one's bowels onto a man or womans anus and then proceeding to thrust one's penis in the the anus, ramming the feces into their partners anus.

"I wanted to take our love to the next level so instead of preforming a Ceveland Steamer I gave her a kooter."

"Sorry guys I can't eat Mexican food with yall tonight...I think I'm going to finally kooter Perry and I don't want the runs"

"Hey I clogged your toilet...Must have been the extra shit from when I got kootered last night."

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Kooter - definition

Kooters is a way to describe something as cool or sick , mad, good etc

"man that bitch has got a kooters ass"
that guy luwii sure has kooters hair

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Kooter - slang

its the time in a boys life when he starts to think about shoving it in some girls poochie

"Dude im old enough to Kooter"

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Another way of saying Coochie as in vagina

She shaved her kooter and I wanted to do the same

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The female sex organ. Can also be spelled with a c. "Cooter."

Wow, my kooter is on fire!
Man, her kooter smells!
I have to go to the doctor to have my kooter looked at.
I have an infection in my kooter.

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Kooter is a slang word made up by Evil Odin and Pissing Razorz to define a pussy or Vaginal orrifice

"Pardon me Miss, do yo shave your Kooter?"

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