Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Kissin?

When itโ€™s ya homieโ€™s bedtime, so you give him a smooch goodnight.

Kissin ya homie gn is the best way to stay close to ya niggas.

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Kissin - meme gif

Kissin meme gif

Kissin - video


Kissin - what is it?

a relationship stage betweeen two people that occurs when they are more than acquaintances, such as beyond the stage of 'talking', yet are unable to admit they are 'dating'

we are kissin' n gropin' because we are friends with benefits

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What does "Kissin" mean?

when two niggas be kissin and shit (No Homo)

Damn those two niggas kissin and shit.

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Kissin - what does it mean?

1. Another term for โ€œass kissingโ€ or โ€œbrown nosingโ€. It means to pander to the emotions of a superior in hopes the superior will reward the subordinate with raises, promotions, special privileges, and the like. It is a disgusting thing to watch.
2. Another term for โ€œsuckingโ€ or being โ€œsorryโ€, particularly in the context of video games.

Inspired by Mia Xโ€™s rap on the song โ€œGhetto Symphonyโ€.

Look at Dave laughing with the boss. Iโ€™m so sick of his dick kissin'.

Oh man! Iโ€™m already near the finish line and youโ€™re still at the first turn dick kissin'.

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Kissin - meaning

Eating the Pussy

dude last night was crazy before i fucked her all i was doing was Kissin' Pink

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Kissin - definition

Adj: describing a boring, annoying, not fun or stupid situation; something gay; something that sucks; etc.

Verb: the act of doing something really boring or gay.

Jim: "Hey Bob, what did you do last night?"
Bob: "Oh I had to go to this cancer benefit with this girl I'm trying to nail. It was such kissin' dudes.

Fred: "Why weren't you at the party last night?"
Anthony: "I was kissin' dudes with my girlfriend and her parents instead. It sucked mad hard!"

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Kissin - slang

When a brother and sister experiment their sexuality on eachother
Or just likr kissin

Mississippi kissin
Matt was caught kissin his sis under the Mississippi moon by Ma

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Another name for being on Purple Sprite, Sizzurp, Purple Drank, etc.

Talked about in the songs Kissin' Pink and Goldie by the rapper A$AP Rocky

"Man I be on that Kissin' Pink right now."

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A term used when describing the act of a kiss. Usually used in the present tense relating to PDA (public displays of affection)

' yeah I was talking to her an we just started kissin'

'yeah we were at the club last night kissin on the dance floor'

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Used among middle school kids, mainly girls. Means you are a virgin to kissing or never been kissed.

Year 7 one: OMG!!!11!1!!1!!!!!!11 I l0sT mA kISsInItY!!!!!!!!!111

Year 7 two: WOW!!!11111

Year 7 three: SlUt!!!111111!!!

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