Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Keek?

to look, glance, peek, or peep.

yo man, keek this wikipedia entry on the 'timeline of the future in forcasts', and the one about quantum teleportation.

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Keek - meme gif

Keek meme gif

Keek - video


Keek - what is it?

In Northern Ireland Keek means crap.

that was absolutely keek

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What does "Keek" mean?

someone who manages to be mature, intelligent, and level-headed in situations ranging from minor peer pressure to strenuous argumentative instances, without seeming like a goody-two-shoes or suck-up.

person 1: that girl seems like such a kiss-up. she's always doing better than everyone else, it's unnerving.
person 2: nah, dude, she's actually really nice... she is a real keeks, and you should get to know her.

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Keek - what does it mean?

Pussy cheese

Sorry about the keek, I didn’t shower today…

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Keek - meaning

Brought to the U.S by Laila Shadid et al., this words means to vibe with, to fuck with, to attend, to hang out with, to slay and to live life to its fullest potential, as Laila Shadid (21) is doing.

Alternate forms include: keekser and keeksing

I will keeks her when her and her boyfriend breakup.

Ur my keekser 4 life.

You can come keeks me whenever.

Laila is a legal keekser.


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Keek - definition

v. An internet term synonymous with STFU with the connotation of the word n00b or nub at the end.

OMG! KEEK, you fecker!

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Keek - slang

A type of cherry-picking FAT BROWN BUFALLO found carpet bagging in California!

The 'Keek' is now an endangered species all over the planet.

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Word derived from keytard. A person that lacks all sense of logic and/or reasoning and cannot be helped.

No way we will accept him into our class, he is obviously a keek.

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An extremely attractive person. To hit on an attractive person, or the act of having sex with an attractive person.

"I hooked up with that keek from the bar last night".

"That guy was so creepy. He was keekn' on me all night".

"Let's go home and keek".

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Keek is a new social media network that focuses on microvideo sharing. Users upload video status updates and are able to share them with friends or followers.

I made this new video and put it up on Keek. It got a lot of views.

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